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git 自昨天以来的日志仅适用于工作日

[英]git log since yesterday for working days only

For my daily standups I like to output my commits for a refresher of what I was working on.对于我的日常站立会议,我喜欢 output 我的提交,以更新我正在做的事情。

I have the following alias:我有以下别名:

standup = log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(green)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative --committer='me' --all --since='yesterday'

However this does not work for a Monday morning due to the weekend.然而,由于周末,这不适用于周一早上。

Does anyone know how to use git log --since for a set of working days such as Mon - Fri, or Tue - Sat?有谁知道如何使用git log --since为一组工作日,例如周一 - 周五或周二 - 周六?

Assuming a POSIX-y shell, in my case bash:假设一个 POSIX-y shell,在我的例子中是 bash:

function yesterworkday() 
    if [[ "1" == "$(date +%u)" ]]
        echo "last friday"
        echo "yesterday"

git log --since="$(yesterworkday)"

Again all credits go to the authors of git for making this insanely easy by accepting "last friday" as a valid date specification to begin with!再次将 go 归功于git的作者,因为他们通过接受“上周五”作为开始的有效日期规范使这变得非常容易!

PS .附言 to make this a git alias, you need to include bash shell in your alias, I'll edit with a sample in a minute要使其成为 git 别名,您需要在别名中包含 bash shell ,我将在一分钟内使用示例进行编辑

Edit Putting this logic directly into a git alias proves difficult (with all the quoting required).编辑将此逻辑直接放入 git 别名证明很困难(需要所有引用)。 See here for ideas: .gitconfig alias function call见这里的想法: .gitconfig 别名 function 调用

I fully recommend making a shell script of this, and you could alias the shell script directly like so:我完全建议为此创建一个 shell 脚本,您可以像这样直接为 shell 脚本命名:

standup = !$HOME/standuplog.sh

or add to one of your $PATH folders and name it git-standup .或添加到您的$PATH文件夹之一并将其命名为git-standup

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