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[英]Should I mutex lock a single variable?

If a single 32-bit variable is shared between multiple threads, should I put a mutex lock around the variable?如果一个 32 位变量在多个线程之间共享,我应该在变量周围放置一个互斥锁吗? For example, suppose 1 thread writes to a 32-bit counter and a 2nd thread reads it.例如,假设 1 个线程写入 32 位计数器,而第 2 个线程读取它。 Is there any chance the 2nd thread could read a corrupted value?第二个线程是否有可能读取损坏的值?

I'm working on a 32-bit ARM embedded system.我正在开发一个 32 位 ARM 嵌入式系统。 The compiler always seems to align 32-bit variables so they can be read or written with a single instruction.编译器似乎总是对齐 32 位变量,以便可以用一条指令读取或写入它们。 If the 32-bit variable was not aligned, then the read or write would be broken down into multiple instructions and the 2nd thread could read a corrupted value.如果 32 位变量未对齐,则读取或写入将分解为多条指令,第二个线程可能读取损坏的值。

Does the answer to this question change if I move to a multiple-core system in the future and the variable is shared between cores?如果我将来迁移到多核系统并且变量在内核之间共享,这个问题的答案是否会改变? (assuming a shared cache between cores) (假设内核之间共享缓存)


A mutex protects you from more than just tearing - for example some ARM implementations use out-of-order execution, and a mutex will include memory (and compiler) barriers that may be necessary for your algorithm's correctness.互斥锁不仅可以保护您免受撕裂 - 例如,某些 ARM 实现使用乱序执行,互斥锁将包括 memory(和编译器)屏障,这可能是您的算法正确性所必需的。

It is safer to include the mutex, then figure out a way to optimise it later if it shows as a performance problem.包含互斥锁更安全,然后如果它显示为性能问题,然后找出一种方法来优化它。

Note also that if your compiler is GCC-based, you may have access to the GCC atomic builtins .另请注意,如果您的编译器是基于 GCC 的,您可能有权访问GCC atomic builtins

If all the writing is done from one thread (ie other threads are only reading), then no you don't need a mutex.如果所有写入都是从一个线程完成的(即其他线程只在读取),那么不,您不需要互斥锁。 If more than one thread may be writing, then you do.如果可能有多个线程正在写入,那么您会这样做。

You don't need mutex.你不需要互斥锁。 On 32-bit ARM, single write or read is an atomic operation.在 32 位 ARM 上,单次写入或读取是原子操作。 (regardless of the number of cores) Of course, you should declare that variable as volatile. (无论内核数量如何)当然,您应该将该变量声明为 volatile。

On a 32-bit system, reads and writes of 32-bit vars are atomic.在 32 位系统上,32 位变量的读取和写入是原子的。 However, it depends what else you are doing with the variable.但是,这取决于您对变量所做的其他操作。 Eg if you maniputale it somehow (eg add a value), then this requires a read, manipulation and write.例如,如果您以某种方式对其进行操作(例如添加一个值),那么这需要读取、操作和写入。 If the CPU and compiler do not support an atomic operation for this, then you will need to use a mutex to protect this multi-operation sequence.如果 CPU 和编译器不支持原子操作,那么您将需要使用互斥锁来保护这个多操作序列。

There are other, lock-free techniques which can reduce the need for mutexes.还有其他无锁技术可以减少对互斥体的需求。

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