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使用 PHP OOP 连接到数据库

[英]Connecting to Database Using PHP OOP

I am developing PHP OOP application, which I need help with.我正在开发 PHP OOP 应用程序,我需要帮助。 I am developing a class(fetch_assoc) which has a function db_connect.我正在开发一个具有 function db_connect 的类(fetch_assoc)。 It simply connects to the database.它只是连接到数据库。 Then I have getRows() function which extracts the rows from the database and then returns it.然后我有getRows() function 从数据库中提取行然后返回它。 Here is the code:这是代码:

function __construct() {  
     mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or die(mysql_error());  
     mysql_select_db("TestProject") or die(mysql_error());  

function getRows() {  
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM Record";  
     $this->arr2 = $this->queryString($sql);  
     //Declaring that $return is an array  
     $return = array();  
     foreach ($this->arr2 as $key=>$value) {  
           $return[$key] = $value;  
     }//foreach ends here  
     return $return;  

function queryString($sql) {  
     $query =  mysql_query($sql);  
     $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);  
     return $row;  
}// function queryString ends here()  

Then on the other page, i use below code to fetch out everything from the objects returned and display it... But I dont understand whats going wrong!然后在另一页上,我使用下面的代码从返回的对象中提取所有内容并显示它......但我不明白出了什么问题!

$class = new fetch_assoc;  
$results = $class->getRows();  
//echo out everything  
foreach ($results as $result) {  
    foreach ($result as $key=>$value) {  
    echo "hello";    echo $key . ": " . $value;  
}//foreach ($result as $key=>$value) ends here  

$this->host = $db_config['host']; $this->host = $db_config['host'];

Where I complete localhost at $this-> host or $db_config[' host ']我在 $this-> host或 $db_config[' host '] 完成 localhost

Your class fetches a single row from the table and stores the array on the object, which is then returned.您的 class 从表中获取一行并将数组存储在 object 上,然后返回。 However your code assumes that multiple rows are being returned.但是,您的代码假定要返回多行。

Here is a quick example that might help you with your problem.这是一个可以帮助您解决问题的简单示例。 Let's say I wanted to fetch an array of all my "Customer" data from my "customers" table, How would I successfully complete this task?假设我想从“客户”表中获取所有“客户”数据的数组,我将如何成功完成这项任务?

For this example I will be using two files:对于这个例子,我将使用两个文件:

  • db.class.php: This class will hold all of the database functions. db.class.php:这个 class 将保存所有数据库功能。
  • init.php: This file will require the database class to fetch all of the customer rows. init.php:此文件将需要数据库 class 来获取所有客户行。

db.class.php db.class.php


class DB {

  private $host;
  private $user;
  private $pw;
  private $db;

  public function __construct($db_config) {
    $this->host = $db_config['host']; 
    $this->user = $db_config['user'];
    $this->pw   = $db_config['pw'];
    $this->db   = $db_config['db'];

  public function open() 
    /* establish link */
    $link = new mysqli($this->host, $this->user, $this->pw, $this->db);

    if (!$link) {
      return false;


    return $link;

  public function getRows($table) {

    /* establish database connection */
    $db = self::open();

    /* execute query */
    $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM $table");

    /* fetch rows */
    while ($row = $result->fetch_array()) {
       $rows[] = $row;

    return $rows;


init.php init.php


  require 'db.class.php';
  /* database config */
  $db_config = array(
                 'host' => '',
                 'user' => '',
                 'pw' => '',
                 'db' => ''

  /* input table */
  $table = 'cust';

  $db = new DB($db_config);
  $rows = $db->getRows($table);

  foreach ($rows as $key => $value) {  
    echo 'Row: '.$key." : ".$value."<br />";  

class db_mysql
    * Class instance
    * @var object
    private static $instance;

    * Connection to MySQL.
    * @var string
    protected $link;

    * Holds the most recent connection.
    * @var string
    protected $recent_link = null;

    * Holds the contents of the most recent SQL query.
    * @var string
    protected $sql = '';

    * Holds the number of queries executed.
    * @var integer
    public $query_count = 0;

    * The text of the most recent database error message.
    * @var string
    protected $error = '';

    * The error number of the most recent database error message.
    * @var integer
    protected $errno = '';

    * Do we currently have a lock in place?
    * @var boolean
    protected $is_locked = false;

    * Show errors? If set to true, the error message/sql is displayed.
    * @var boolean
    public $show_errors = false;

    * Database host
    * @var string
    protected static $db_host;

    * Database username
    * @var string
    protected static $db_user;

    * Database password
    * @var string
    protected static $db_pass;

    * Database name.
    * @var string
    protected static $db_name;

    * Constructor. Initializes a database connection and selects our database.
    * private, cannot be accessed directly outside of this class
    * @param  string   $db_host  Database host
    * @param  string   $db_user  Database username
    * @param  string   $db_pass  Database password
    * @param  string   $db_name  Database name
    * @return boolean            Connection resource, if database connection is established.
    private function __construct()

        $this->link = @mysql_connect(self::$db_host, self::$db_user, self::$db_pass);

        if (is_resource($this->link) AND @mysql_select_db(self::$db_name, $this->link))
            $this->recent_link =& $this->link;
            return $this->link;
            // If we couldn't connect or select the db...
            $this->raise_error('db_mysql::__construct() - Could not select and/or connect to database: ' . self::$db_name);

    * Creates an instance of the class.
    * @param  void
    * @return object
    public static function getInstance()
        if (!self::$instance)
            self::$instance = new self();
        return self::$instance;

    * Sets connection/database parameters.
    * @param  void
    * @return void
    protected static function set_params()
        global $dbconfig;

        self::$db_host = $dbconfig['host'];
        self::$db_user = $dbconfig['user'];
        self::$db_pass = $dbconfig['pass'];
        self::$db_name = $dbconfig['name'];

    * Executes a sql query. If optional $only_first is set to true, it will
    * return the first row of the result as an array.
    * @param  string  Query to run
    * @param  bool    Return only the first row, as an array?
    * @return mixed
    public function query($sql, $only_first = false)
        $this->recent_link =& $this->link;
        $this->sql =& $sql;
        $result = @mysql_query($sql, $this->link);


        if ($only_first)
            $return = $this->fetch_array($result);
            return $return;
        return $result;

    * Fetches a row from a query result and returns the values from that row as an array.
    * @param  string  The query result we are dealing with.
    * @return array
    public function fetch_array($result)
        return @mysql_fetch_assoc($result);

    * Will fetch all records from the database, and will optionally return the
    * value of a single field from all records.
    * @param  string  $sql    SQL Query string
    * @param  string  $field  Field/column
    * @return array           Will return array of all db records.
    public function fetch_all($sql, $field = '')
        $return = array();

        if (($result = $this->query($sql)))
            while ($row = $this->fetch_array($result))
                $return[] = ($field) ? $row[$field] : $row;
        return $return;

    * Returns the number of rows in a result set.
    * @param  string  The query result we are dealing with.
    * @return integer
    public function num_rows($result)
        return @mysql_num_rows($result);

    * Retuns the number of rows affected by the most recent query
    * @return integer
    public function affected_rows()
        return @mysql_affected_rows($this->recent_link);

    * Returns the number of queries executed.
    * @param  none
    * @return integer
    public function num_queries()
        return $this->query_count;

    * Lock database tables
    * @param   array  Array of table => lock type
    * @return  void
    public function lock($tables)
        if (is_array($tables) AND count($tables))
            $sql = '';

            foreach ($tables AS $name => $type)
                $sql .= (!empty($sql) ? ', ' : '') . "$name $type";

            $this->query("LOCK TABLES $sql");
            $this->is_locked = true;

    * Unlock tables
    public function unlock()
        if ($this->is_locked)
            $this->query("UNLOCK TABLES");
            $this->is_locked = false; 

    * Returns the ID of the most recently inserted item in an auto_increment field
    * @return  integer
    public function insert_id()
        return @mysql_insert_id($this->link);

    * Escapes a value to make it safe for using in queries.
    * @param  string  Value to be escaped
    * @param  bool    Do we need to escape this string for a LIKE statement?
    * @return string
    public function prepare($value, $do_like = false)
        $value = stripslashes($value);

        if ($do_like)
            $value = str_replace(array('%', '_'), array('\%', '\_'), $value);
        return mysql_real_escape_string($value, $this->link);

    * Frees memory associated with a query result.
    * @param  string   The query result we are dealing with.
    * @return boolean
    public function free_result($result)
        return @mysql_free_result($result);

    * Turns database error reporting on
    public function show_errors()
        $this->show_errors = true;

    * Turns database error reporting off
    public function hide_errors()
        $this->show_errors = false;

    * Closes our connection to MySQL.
    * @param  none
    * @return boolean
    public function close()
        $this->sql = '';
        return @mysql_close($this->link);

    * Returns the MySQL error message.
    * @param  none
    * @return string
    public function error()
        $this->error = (is_null($this->recent_link)) ? '' : mysql_error($this->recent_link);
        return $this->error;

    * Returns the MySQL error number.
    * @param  none
    * @return string
    function errno()
        $this->errno = (is_null($this->recent_link)) ? 0 : mysql_errno($this->recent_link);
        return $this->errno;

    * Gets the url/path of where we are when a MySQL error occurs.
    * @access private
    * @param  none
    * @return string
    protected function get_error_path()
        if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])
            $errorpath = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
            if ($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])
                $errorpath = $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'];
                $errorpath = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];

            if ($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])
                $errorpath .= '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];

        if (($pos = strpos($errorpath, '?')) !== false)
            $errorpath = urldecode(substr($errorpath, 0, $pos)) . substr($errorpath, $pos);
            $errorpath = urldecode($errorpath);
        return $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $errorpath;

    * If there is a database error, the script will be stopped and an error message displayed.
    * @param  string  The error message. If empty, one will be built with $this->sql.
    * @return string
    public function raise_error($error_message = '')
        if ($this->recent_link)
            $this->error = $this->error($this->recent_link);
            $this->errno = $this->errno($this->recent_link);

        if ($error_message == '')
            $this->sql = "Error in SQL query:\n\n" . rtrim($this->sql) . ';';
            $error_message =& $this->sql;
            $error_message = $error_message . ($this->sql != '' ? "\n\nSQL:" . rtrim($this->sql) . ';' : '');

        $message = htmlspecialchars("$error_message\n\nMySQL Error: {$this->error}\nError #: {$this->errno}\nFilename: " . $this->get_error_path());
        $message = '<code>' . nl2br($message) . '</code>';

        if (!$this->show_errors)
            $message = "<!--\n\n$message\n\n-->";
        die("There seems to have been a slight problem with our database, please try again later.<br /><br />\n$message");

that was a secure class i used to write long time ago its easy use for sure here is an example那是我很久以前写的一个安全的 class 它很容易使用,这是一个例子

$dbconfig = array(
    'host' => SERVER,
    'user' => USER,
    'pass' => PASSWORD,
    'name' => DBNAME
$db = db_mysql::getInstance();
$getmaxcategories = $db->query("SELECT * FROM categories");
if($db->num_rows($getmaxcategories) != "0")
while($row = $db->fetch_array($getmaxcategories))
               //do something

you can use foreach for loop or whatever您可以使用 foreach for 循环或其他

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