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MVC3 Razor 和模态弹出窗口

[英]MVC3 Razor and Modal popup

i need to get a Modal popup that displays a form which will save data back to the db.我需要一个模态弹出窗口,它显示一个将数据保存回数据库的表单。 is there is good example of doing it?有没有这样做的好例子? is Ajax more flexible or using jquery dialog? Ajax 更灵活还是使用 jquery 对话框?

I've used the JQuery UI Dialog plugin and use JQuery to load the modal dialog via ajax, and am quite happy with it.我使用了JQuery UI Dialog 插件并使用 JQuery 通过 ajax 加载模态对话框,我对此非常满意。

I've had to hack up my code to give you something useful, so apologies for any syntax errors, but I use this jquery,我不得不破解我的代码给你一些有用的东西,所以对任何语法错误表示歉意,但我使用这个 jquery,

$('#MyAtag').click(function () {
    // Add a container for the modal dialog, or get the existing one
    var dialog = ($('#ModalDialog').length > 0) ? $('#ModalDialog') : $('<div id="ModalDialog" style="display:hidden"></div>').appendTo('body');
    // load the data via ajax
    $.get( 'mycontroller/myaction', {},
        function (responseText, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) {
                bgiframe: true,
                modal: true,
                width: 940,
                title: 'My Title'

which binds a call to an ajax 'get' to the 'click' event of a link.它将对 ajax 'get' 的调用绑定到链接的 'click' 事件。 The ajax get request returns a partial view from the corresponding action in my MVC projec, which then shows up in the modal dialog. ajax 获取请求从我的 MVC 项目中的相应操作返回部分视图,然后显示在模式对话框中。

Here is a rough example of what the controller could look like这是 controller 的粗略示例

    public ActionResult MyAction()
        // Do Some stuff

        // If the request is an ajax one, return the partial view
        if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
            return PartialView("PartialViewName");

        // Else return the normal view
        return View();

The view for the dialog would just be a normal partial view.对话框的视图只是一个普通的局部视图。

I use the following.css, which 'greys out' the page behind the modal dialog我使用以下内容。css,它使模态对话框后面的页面“变灰”

.ui-widget-overlay {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    background: #AAA url(images/ui-bg_flat_0_aaaaaa_40x100.png) 50% 50% repeat-x;
    opacity: .8;
    filter: Alpha(Opacity=30);

You might need to muck around with the css for #ModalDialog to get it looking right,您可能需要使用 css 来处理#ModalDialog 以使其看起来正确,

This is simple one but this is not a plugin: http://deseloper.org/read/2009/10/jquery-simple-modal-window/这很简单,但这不是插件: http://deseloper.org/read/2009/10/jquery-simple-modal-window/

Jquery plugin based modal: http://www.ericmmartin.com/projects/simplemodal/ Jquery 基于插件的模态: http://www.ericmmartin.com/projects/simplemodal/

Hope this helps.希望这可以帮助。

you can use jquery dialog.您可以使用 jquery 对话框。 there is also Jquery tools which you can use.您还可以使用 Jquery 工具。

http://flowplayer.org/tools/demos/overlay/modal-dialog.html http://flowplayer.org/tools/demos/overlay/modal-dialog.html

It has a very small footprint as well.它的占地面积也非常小。

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