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将 std 字符串转换为 const char*

[英]Converting std string to const char*

I am getting an error when I run this piece of code运行这段代码时出现错误

  string line;
  getline (myfile,line);
  char file_input[15];
  strncpy(file_input, line, 6);
  cout << line << endl;

Error - cannot convert 'std::string' to 'const char*' for argument '2' to 'char* strncpy(char*, const char*, size_t)' How to get rid of this?错误 - 无法将参数 '2' 的 'std::string' 转换为 'const char*' 到 'char* strncpy(char*, const char*, size_t)' 如何摆脱这个?


strncpy(file_input, line.c_str(), 6);

This uses the c_str() member function of the std::string type.这使用std::string类型的c_str()成员 function。

strncpy(file_input, line.c_str(), 6);

But why would you want the fixed-length buffer file_input in the first place?但是为什么你首先想要固定长度的缓冲区file_input呢? It would be safer to construct it as a new std::string containing the first five characters in line :将其构造为包含line前五个字符的新std::string会更安全:

std::string file_input(line, 0, 5);

Converting from c++ std string to C style string is really easy now.从 c++ 标准字符串转换为 C 样式字符串现在非常容易。

For that we have string::copy function which will easily convert std string to C style string.为此,我们有string::copy function 可以轻松地将 std 字符串转换为 C 样式字符串。 reference参考

string::copy functions parameters serially string::copy函数参数

  1. char string pointer char 字符串指针
  2. string size, how many characters will b copied字符串大小,将复制多少个字符
  3. position, from where character copy will start position,字符复制将从哪里开始

Another important thing,还有一点很重要,

This function does not append a null character at the end of operation.这个 function 在操作结束时不会 append 一个 null 字符。 So, we need to put it manually.所以,我们需要手动放置。

Code exam are in below -代码考试如下 -

// char string
char chText[20];

// c++ string
string text =  "I am a Programmer";

// conversion from c++ string to char string
// this function does not append a null character at the end of operation
text.copy(chText, text.size(), 0);

// we need to put it manually
chText[text.size()] = '\0';

// below statement prints "I am a Programmer"
cout << chText << endl;

Vice Versa, Converting from C style string to C++ std string is lot more easier反之亦然,从 C 样式字符串转换为 C++ 标准字符串要容易得多

There is three ways we can convert from C style string to C++ std string我们可以通过三种方式将 C 样式字符串转换为 C++ 标准字符串

First one is using constructor,第一个是使用构造函数,

char chText[20] = "I am a Programmer";
// using constructor
string text(chText);

Second one is using string::assign method第二个是使用string::assign方法

// char string
char chText[20] = "I am a Programmer";

// c++ string
string text;

// convertion from char string to c++ string
// using assign function

Third one is assignment operator(=), in which string class uses operator overloading第三个是赋值运算符(=),其中字符串 class 使用运算符重载

// char string
char chText[20] = "I am a Programmer";

// c++ string
// convertion from char string to c++ string using assignment operator overloading
string text = chText;

third one can be also write like below -第三个也可以像下面这样写 -

// char string
char chText[20] = "I am a Programmer";

// c++ string
string text;

// convertion from char string to c++ string
text = chText;

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