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如何使用 PHP 读取 OAuth 请求参数?

[英]How to read the OAuth request parameters with PHP?

I'm trying to connect an iPhone app to a PHP API using 2-legged OAuth as the Authentication mechanism.我正在尝试使用 2 腿 OAuth 作为身份验证机制将 iPhone 应用程序连接到 PHP API。 I'm using the PHP and Objective-C 2.0 libraries from http://code.google.com/p/oauth/ .我正在使用来自http://code.google.com/p/oauth/的 PHP 和 Objective-C 2.0 库。 The problem is that when I'm trying to issue a GET request with Objective-C, it doesn't include the OAuth parameters in the request URI, like the PHP library does when issuing an OAuth GET request: The problem is that when I'm trying to issue a GET request with Objective-C, it doesn't include the OAuth parameters in the request URI, like the PHP library does when issuing an OAuth GET request:


Instead it puts the OAuth parameters in an Authorization header:相反,它将 OAuth 参数放在授权 header 中:

Authorization: OAuth realm="", oauth_consumer_key="XXXXX", oauth_token="XXXX-XXXX",
oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_signature="XXXXXXXX", 
oauth_timestamp="1309863855", oauth_nonce="XXXX-XXX-XX-XX-XXXXXXX", oauth_version="1.0"

I suppose that both ways are equally valid for the OAuth specs, right?我想这两种方式对于 OAuth 规格同样有效,对吧?

What's the best way I can read the Authorization header with PHP?我可以用 PHP 阅读授权 header 的最佳方式是什么?

I suppose that both ways are equally valid for the OAuth specs, right?我想这两种方式对于 OAuth 规格同样有效,对吧?

Yes, right.是的,没错。

What's the best way I can read the Authorization header with PHP?我可以用 PHP 阅读授权 header 的最佳方式是什么?

Request headers in PHP are stored in the $_SERVER superglobal array, each header as an entry of it's own: $_SERVER['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] most probably in your case, just do PHP 中的请求标头存储在$_SERVER超全局数组中,每个 header 作为它自己的条目: $_SERVER['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION']最有可能在您的情况下,只是做


and look for the info.并查找信息。 Detailed information how PHP deals with the HTTP request . PHP 如何处理 HTTP 请求的详细信息

Authorization header missing in PHP PHP 中缺少授权 header

Unfortunately the Authorization header is filtered by PHP(?), so it's not part of $_SERVER .不幸的是, Authorization header 被 PHP(?)过滤,所以它不是$_SERVER的一部分。

Workaround: apache_request_headers()解决方法:apache_request_headers()

When using PHP as an Apache module, a workaround is to use the apache_request_headers() function to retrieve all request headers.当使用 PHP 作为 Apache 模块时,解决方法是使用apache_request_headers() function 来检索所有请求标头。

Workaround: mod_rewrite解决方法:mod_rewrite

For F/CGI a workaround is to set the Authorization header with Mod_Rewrite into a environment variable that mimics PHP's scheme converting HTTP request headers:对于 F/CGI,一种解决方法是使用 Mod_Rewrite 将 Authorization header 设置为模仿 PHP 转换 HTTP 请求标头的方案的环境变量:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} ^(.*)$ [NC]
RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%1]

The mod_rewrite solution should work for PHP running with mod_php as well. mod_rewrite 解决方案也适用于与 mod_php 一起运行的 PHP。 Hat tip Jon Nylander.帽子提示乔恩·尼兰德。

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