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计算 C# 中谷歌地图控件的缩放级别

[英]Calculate zoom level on google maps control in C#

I'm using GoogleMap Control have a collection of markers with Geo locations.我正在使用GoogleMap Control有一组带有地理位置的标记。 I can calculate the min and max lat longs and find the center point on where to center the map but I also need to calculate the zoom level programmatically.我可以计算最小和最大纬度,并找到 map 居中位置的中心点,但我还需要以编程方式计算缩放级别。 Does anyone how to do this?有谁怎么做到这一点?

If your using v3 then simply如果您使用 v3,那么只需

var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();

then extend your bounds for each marker:然后扩展每个标记的范围:


and use this to automatically position and zoom并使用它来自动 position 和缩放


Found this on an issue page of the GoogleMap Control project site.在 GoogleMap Control 项目网站的问题页面上找到了这个。 You have to inject javascript to do it.您必须注入 javascript 才能做到这一点。

    // Set the map to call zoomMap javascriptFunction
    GoogleMap.OnClientMapLoad = "zoomMap";

    // build zoomMap javascript function. I already know what my bounds are
    StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder();
    script.Append("function zoomMap() {").AppendLine();
    script.AppendFormat("var sw = new GLatLng({0}, {1});", minLat, minLong).AppendLine();
    script.AppendFormat("var ne = new GLatLng({0}, {1});", maxLat, maxLong).AppendLine();
    script.AppendFormat("var bounds = new GLatLngBounds(sw, ne);").AppendLine();
    script.AppendFormat("var zoomLevel = GoogleMap.GMap.getBoundsZoomLevel(bounds);").AppendLine();
    script.AppendFormat("GoogleMap.GMap.setZoom(zoomLevel);", GoogleMap.ClientID).AppendLine();

    Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock("map", script.ToString());

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