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[英]BZip2 unzipping data that isn't a file without getting errors?

So I have this code that makes a series of bytes, but then zips it with bzip2.所以我有这段代码,它产生一系列字节,然后用 bzip2 压缩它。 How could I unzip them?我怎样才能解压缩它们? Plain(right-click) unzipping gives me corruption, probably because there are no file beginnings or ends.普通(右键单击)解压缩给我带来了损坏,可能是因为没有文件开头或结尾。 It needs to be done in some programming language, preferrably C#, C, C++, Java or Python. It needs to be done in some programming language, preferrably C#, C, C++, Java or Python. Also, I'd need to read that binary data in the unzipped stream.另外,我需要读取解压缩的 stream 中的二进制数据。 I'd appreciate any help.我会很感激任何帮助。

This is the code, it fills an array and compresses it with BZ2_bzBuffToBuffCompress at the end:这是代码,它填充一个数组并在最后用 BZ2_bzBuffToBuffCompress 压缩它:

void *build_save(int *size, int x0, int y0, int w, int h,
         unsigned char bmap[YRES/CELL][XRES/CELL], 
         float fvx[YRES/CELL][XRES/CELL], 
         float fvy[YRES/CELL][XRES/CELL], sign signs[MAXSIGNS],
         void* partsptr)
  unsigned char *d=calloc(1,3*(XRES/CELL)*(YRES/CELL)+(XRES*YRES)*15+MAXSIGNS*262), *c;
  int i,j,x,y,p=0,*m=calloc(XRES*YRES, sizeof(int));
  int bx0=x0/CELL, by0=y0/CELL, bw=(w+CELL-1)/CELL, bh=(h+CELL-1)/CELL;
  particle *parts = partsptr;

  // normalize coordinates
  x0 = bx0*CELL;
  y0 = by0*CELL;
  w = bw *CELL;
  h = bh *CELL;

  // save the required air state
  for (y=by0; y<by0+bh; y++)
    for (x=bx0; x<bx0+bw; x++)
      d[p++] = bmap[y][x];
  for (y=by0; y<by0+bh; y++)
    for (x=bx0; x<bx0+bw; x++)
      if (bmap[y][x]==WL_FAN||bmap[y][x]==4){
    i = (int)(fvx[y][x]*64.0f+127.5f);
      if (i<0) i=0;
      if (i>255) i=255;
      d[p++] = i;
  for (y=by0; y<by0+bh; y++)
    for (x=bx0; x<bx0+bw; x++)
      if (bmap[y][x]==WL_FAN||bmap[y][x]==4){
    i = (int)(fvy[y][x]*64.0f+127.5f);
    if (i<0) i=0;
    if (i>255) i=255;
    d[p++] = i;

  // save the particle map
  for (i=0; i<NPART; i++)
    if (parts[i].type) {
    x = (int)(parts[i].x+0.5f);
    y = (int)(parts[i].y+0.5f);
    if (x>=x0 && x<x0+w && y>=y0 && y<y0+h) {
      if (!m[(x-x0)+(y-y0)*w] ||
          parts[m[(x-x0)+(y-y0)*w]-1].type == PT_PHOT ||
          parts[m[(x-x0)+(y-y0)*w]-1].type == PT_NEUT)
        m[(x-x0)+(y-y0)*w] = i+1;
  for (j=0; j<w*h; j++) {
    i = m[j];
    if (i)
      d[p++] = parts[i-1].type;
      d[p++] = 0;

  // save particle properties
  for (j=0; j<w*h; j++){
    i = m[j];
    if (i)
    x = (int)(parts[i].vx*16.0f+127.5f);
    y = (int)(parts[i].vy*16.0f+127.5f);
    if (x<0) x=0;
    if (x>255) x=255;
    if (y<0) y=0;
    if (y>255) y=255;
    d[p++] = x;
    d[p++] = y;
  for (j=0; j<w*h; j++){
    i = m[j];
    if (i) {
      //Everybody loves a 16bit int
      //d[p++] = (parts[i-1].life+3)/4;
      int ttlife = (int)parts[i-1].life;
      d[p++] = ((ttlife&0xFF00)>>8);
      d[p++] = (ttlife&0x00FF);
  for (j=0; j<w*h; j++){
    i = m[j];
    if (i) {
      //Now saving tmp!
      //d[p++] = (parts[i-1].life+3)/4;
      int tttmp = (int)parts[i-1].tmp;
      d[p++] = ((tttmp&0xFF00)>>8);
      d[p++] = (tttmp&0x00FF);
  for (j=0; j<w*h; j++){
    i = m[j];
    if (i) {
      //Save colour (ALPHA)
      d[p++] = (parts[i-1].dcolour&0xFF000000)>>24;
  for (j=0; j<w*h; j++){
    i = m[j];
    if (i) {
      //Save colour (RED)
      d[p++] = (parts[i-1].dcolour&0x00FF0000)>>16;
  for (j=0; j<w*h; j++){
    i = m[j];
    if (i) {
      //Save colour (GREEN)
      d[p++] = (parts[i-1].dcolour&0x0000FF00)>>8;
  for (j=0; j<w*h; j++){
    i = m[j];
    if (i) {
      //Save colour (BLUE)
          d[p++] = (parts[i-1].dcolour&0x000000FF);
  for (j=0; j<w*h; j++){
    i = m[j];
    if (i){
      // New Temperature saving uses a 16bit unsigned int for
      // temperatures, giving a precision of 1 degree versus 36 for the old
      // format
      int tttemp = (int)parts[i-1].temp;
      d[p++] = ((tttemp&0xFF00)>>8);
      d[p++] = (tttemp&0x00FF);
  for (j=0; j<w*h; j++) {
    i = m[j];
    if (i && (parts[i-1].type==PT_CLNE || parts[i-1].type==PT_PCLN || 
          parts[i-1].type==PT_BCLN || parts[i-1].type==PT_SPRK || 
          parts[i-1].type==PT_LAVA || parts[i-1].type==PT_PIPE))
      d[p++] = parts[i-1].ctype;

  j = 0;
  for (i=0; i<MAXSIGNS; i++)
    if (signs[i].text[0] &&
    signs[i].x>=x0 && signs[i].x<x0+w &&
    signs[i].y>=y0 && signs[i].y<y0+h)
  d[p++] = j;
  for (i=0; i<MAXSIGNS; i++)
    if (signs[i].text[0] &&
    signs[i].x>=x0 && signs[i].x<x0+w &&
    signs[i].y>=y0 && signs[i].y<y0+h){
      d[p++] = (signs[i].x-x0);
      d[p++] = (signs[i].x-x0)>>8;
          d[p++] = (signs[i].y-y0);
      d[p++] = (signs[i].y-y0)>>8;
      d[p++] = signs[i].ju;
      x = strlen(signs[i].text);
      d[p++] = x;
      memcpy(d+p, signs[i].text, x);

  i = (p*101+99)/100 + 612;
  c = malloc(i);

  //New file header uses PSv, replacing fuC. This is to detect if the
  //client uses a new save format for temperatures
  //This creates a problem for old clients, that display and "corrupt"
  //error instead of a "newer version" error

  c[0] = 0x50; //0x66;
  c[1] = 0x53; //0x75;
  c[2] = 0x76; //0x43;
  c[3] = legacy_enable|((sys_pause<<1)&0x02)|((gravityMode<<2)&0x0C)|((airMode<<4)&0x70)|((ngrav_enable<<7)&0x80);
  c[4] = SAVE_VERSION;
  c[5] = CELL;
  c[6] = bw;
  c[7] = bh;
  c[8] = p;
  c[9] = p >> 8;
  c[10] = p >> 16;
  c[11] = p >> 24;

  i -= 12;

  if (BZ2_bzBuffToBuffCompress((char *)(c+12), (unsigned *)&i, (char *)d, p, 9, 0, 0) != BZ_OK){
    return NULL;

  *size = i+12;
  return c;

You have to call the function BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress from the libbzip2 library http://www.bzip.org/1.0.6/bzip2-1.0.6.tar.gz您必须从 libbzip2 库http://www.bzip.org/1.0.6/bzip2-1.0.6.tar.gz 调用 function BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress

Here is the documentation: http://www.bzip.org/1.0.3/html/util-fns.html这是文档: http://www.bzip.org/1.0.3/html/util-fns.html

You would call that code somehow like this:你会以某种方式调用该代码:

#include <malloc.h>

int size;
void *buf=build_save(&size, ... add all the parameters ... );

BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress( dest, 
                            DEST, //unsigned int* destLen,
                            buf+12, //char*         source,
                            size-12, //unsigned int  sourceLen,
                            int           small,
                            int           verbosity );

Where I realize that you didn't give enough information.我意识到你没有提供足够的信息。 Try to search for your source for a call to尝试搜索您的来源以调用

BZ2_bzDecompressInit ( bz_stream *strm, int verbosity, int small );

You will need to know the parameters verbosity and small for the decompression.您需要知道参数详细程度和小参数以进行解压。

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