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btrace 与 JDK5

[英]btrace with JDK5

Can we use bTrace with JDK5 or lesser versions?我们可以将 bTrace 与 JDK5 或更低版本一起使用吗? If not, what is that things which is provided in JDK6 that makes bTrace work?如果没有,JDK6 中提供的使 bTrace 工作的东西是什么?

My understanding is that btrace working on Java Byte Code Instrumentation which was there for JDK5 as well.我的理解是,btrace 在 Java 字节码检测上工作,它也适用于 JDK5。 is there some extra features of instrumentation which is being exploit by bTrace? bTrace 是否有一些额外的检测功能正在被利用?

Please refer here: http://kenai.com/projects/btrace/forums/forum/topics/13112-running-BTrace-on-JRE请参考这里: http://kenai.com/projects/btrace/forums/forum/topics/13112-running-BTrace-on-JRE

Here is what have they answered:以下是他们的回答:

this scenario is not tested.此方案未经测试。 In theory, it should suffice to copy tools.jar to a location picked by the default classpath (or provide BTrace with the classpath containing tools.jar).理论上,将 tools.jar 复制到默认类路径选择的位置就足够了(或向 BTrace 提供包含 tools.jar 的类路径)。 It would be great if you could test it out - I would love hearing the results.如果您能对其进行测试,那就太好了——我很想听听结果。

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