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对于 ruby on rails 3,在生产模式下不调用 Rake 任务

[英]Rake task is not called in production mode for ruby on rails 3

From a controller:-从 controller:-

call_rake :parse_venue, :venue_list_id => venue_list.id

def call_rake(task, options = {})
   options[:rails_env] ||= Rails.env
   args = options.map { |n, v| "#{n.to_s.upcase}='#{v}'" }
   system "rake #{task} #{args.join(' ')} --trace 2>&1 >> #{Rails.root}/log/rake.log &"

In development mode this rake task is triggered.. But in case of production mode its not triggered.在开发模式下,此 rake 任务被触发。但在生产模式下,它不会被触发。

PS:- Inspired from rake in background, railscast . PS:- 灵感来自背景中的 rake,railscast There is nothing in rake.log file in production mode生产模式下 rake.log 文件中没有任何内容

Try the following system call:尝试以下系统调用:

system "#{args.join(' ')} rake #{task} --trace 2>&1 >> #{Rails.root}/log/rake.log &"

Verify that "rake" is in the $PATH of the user running your web server / app server验证“rake”是否在运行 web 服务器/应用服务器的用户的 $PATH 中

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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