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joomla mysql 无法通过工作台查看数据库

[英]joomla mysql cannot see database via workbench

We have a joomla site up and running using a user called 'product_joomla' and a database with the same name.我们有一个 joomla 站点使用名为“product_joomla”的用户和同名的数据库启动并运行。

I am able to connect to the mysql server using the that user above and password.我可以使用上面的用户和密码连接到 mysql 服务器。

But I can only see the 'information_schema' database.但我只能看到“information_schema”数据库。 the user does not seem to have access to the joomla database.用户似乎无权访问 joomla 数据库。

But that does not seem to be the case because the joomla site is using the same user and is working.但情况似乎并非如此,因为 joomla 站点使用的是同一用户并且正在运行。

I am total noob with respect to mysql and joomla.对于 mysql 和 joomla,我完全是菜鸟。

I am accessing the mysql database remotely via mysql-workbench.我正在通过 mysql-workbench 远程访问 mysql 数据库。

I cannot figure out why that user cannot see the joomla database via workbench.我无法弄清楚为什么该用户无法通过工作台看到 joomla 数据库。

Even though we changed the user to accept connections from anywhere (not just localhost) that never updated the actual permissions on the joomla database – users still only granted admin rights if that user logged in from localhost.即使我们将用户更改为接受来自任何地方(不仅仅是本地主机)的连接,但从未更新 joomla 数据库的实际权限——如果该用户从本地主机登录,用户仍然只授予管理员权限。

So, the website was working via localhost but I was not able to connect remotely.因此,该网站通过 localhost 运行,但我无法远程连接。

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