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如何将 phonegap 应用程序部署到 ipad/iphone

[英]How to deploy phonegap app to ipad/iphone

I am totally new to making ipad/iphone application.我对制作 ipad/iphone 应用程序完全陌生。 I am totally new to using phonegap.我对使用 phonegap 完全陌生。 I downloaded a HelloWorld application and opened it up with xcode.我下载了一个 HelloWorld 应用程序并用 xcode 打开它。 it works fine in simulator.它在模拟器中运行良好。 So i tried to deploy it to my iPad.所以我尝试将它部署到我的 iPad。 When I hit Build and Run in xcode, i get this error:当我在 xcode 中点击 Build and Run 时,我收到此错误:

Code Sign error: The identity 'iPhone Developer' doesn't match any valid certificate/private key pair in the default keychain.

I have no idea what this means.我不知道这是什么意思。 I applied for the Apple Developer program a few months ago.几个月前我申请了 Apple Developer 计划。 I got back an email saying I successfully enrolled.我收到了一个 email 说我成功注册了。 Do I need to copy some kind of certificate from my Apple Account on the website to my ipad to enable xcode to deploy my helloworld program to the ipad?我是否需要将某种证书从我在网站上的 Apple 帐户复制到我的 ipad 以启用 xcode 将我的 helloworld 程序部署到 ipad?

I am totally confused on how to test the HelloWorld application on my iPad....我完全不知道如何在我的 iPad 上测试 HelloWorld 应用程序......

Additional Notes补充说明

OK, i followed some steps on how to sign a certificate and install it in xcode.好的,我遵循了一些关于如何签署证书并将其安装在 xcode 中的步骤。 Now when I try to Build and Run to a device, I get this error:现在,当我尝试构建并运行到设备时,出现此错误:

Code Sign error: Provisioning profile 'forgelink' specifies the Application Identifier 'forgelink' which doesn't match the current setting 'R8T3VN6VR7.forgelink.forgelink'

Did I type something wrong when creating my certificates, bundle identifiers, app ids etc...?在创建证书、捆绑标识符、应用程序 ID 等时,我是否输入了错误信息……?

To summarize, as I've just spent a whole day trying to deploy to iOS devices through xcode:总结一下,因为我刚刚花了一整天的时间尝试通过 xcode 部署到 iOS 设备:

  1. You must pay the $99 + $7 in tax, to join the Apple Developer Network and deploy to actual devices您必须支付 99 美元 + 7 美元的税费,才能加入 Apple Developer Network 并部署到实际设备

  2. You setup this association in XCode by signing in using you AppleID.通过使用您的 AppleID 登录,您可以在 XCode 中设置此关联。

  3. You must give the unique device ID to Apple, along with signing a request and downloading a cert in order to use any real devices.您必须将唯一的设备 ID 提供给 Apple,同时签署请求并下载证书才能使用任何真实设备。 Just follow their tutorial exactly, especially the copying of the.mobileprovisioning file: Apple's Provisioning Tool (sigin with your apple ID if it doesn't work)只需完全按照他们的教程进行操作,尤其是复制 .mobileprovisioning 文件: Apple's Provisioning Tool(如果不起作用,请使用您的 Apple ID 登录)

    I created a provisioning profile for every apple device I hooked up to my computer, but maybe you can do it with one...我为连接到计算机的每台苹果设备创建了一个配置文件,但也许你可以用一个...

  4. Your device will now show up in the dropdown menu next to the play button in XCode.您的设备现在将显示在 XCode 中播放按钮旁边的下拉菜单中。 If not, the provisioning didn't complete successfully, and you need to go back and fix it.如果没有,则配置未成功完成,您需要返回 go 并修复它。

you need to get developer certificates (code signing certificates) from your apple developer site.您需要从您的苹果开发者网站获取开发者证书(代码签名证书)。 log into developer.apple.com and follow the steps登录 developer.apple.com 并按照步骤操作


Here's the link to iOS Provisioning portal http://developer.apple.com/ios/manage/overview/index.action这是 iOS 配置门户http://developer.apple.com/ios/manage/overview/index.action的链接

You need to install a developer certificate and create a provisioning profile.您需要安装开发人员证书并创建配置文件。 The Dev Center has detailed instructions and links, and a nice portal for creating and downloading the profiles.开发中心有详细的说明和链接,以及一个用于创建和下载配置文件的不错的门户。

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