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Htaccess 重写规则条件

[英]Htaccess Rewrite Rule Conditional

I am a complete noob when it comes to the .htaccess file... What I'm trying to do is check to see if a GET variable exists, ?si=10 , and pass that onto the rewrite, but only if it exists.当谈到 .htaccess 文件时,我是一个完全的菜鸟......我要做的是检查 GET 变量是否存在, ?si=10 ,并将其传递给重写,但前提是它存在。

RewriteRule ^user/([^/\.]+)/?$ profile/index.php?name=$1

This way when I have say website.com/user/Username/ it goes to, on the server, website.com/profile/?name=Username instead.这样,当我说website.com/user/Username/时,它会在服务器上转到website.com/profile/?name=Username But when I add do website.com/user/Account/?si=10 , the server isn't passing the si variable onto the actually loaded page.但是当我添加 do website.com/user/Account/?si=10时,服务器没有将si变量传递到实际加载的页面上。 Any idea how I would do this?知道我会怎么做吗? Sorry if I worded this badly..对不起,如果我措辞不好..

Try the QSA flag试试QSA 标志

 RewriteRule ^user/([^/\.]+)/?$ profile/index.php?name=$1 [QSA]

From the manual...从手册...

When the replacement URI contains a query string, the default behavior of RewriteRule is to discard the existing query string, and replace it with the newly generated one.当替换 URI 包含查询字符串时,RewriteRule 的默认行为是丢弃现有的查询字符串,并将其替换为新生成的查询字符串。 Using the [QSA] flag causes the query strings to be combined.使用 [QSA] 标志会合并查询字符串。

You can do it like this:你可以这样做:

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^si=([0-9]+)$ // replace regex as neccesary
RewriteRule ^user/([^/\.]+)/?$ profile/index.php?name=$1&si=%1

The percentage sign % brings in the match or matches from the rewriteCond(s) and you use the dollar sign as normal for the matches from the rewriteRule.百分号 % 从 rewriteCond(s) 中引入一个或多个匹配项,您可以正常使用美元符号来处理来自 rewriteRule 的匹配项。 This gives you full control of your query vars, but yes, QSA is simpler.这使您可以完全控制查询变量,但是是的,QSA 更简单。

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