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python while 循环中有多个 for 循环

[英]More than one for-loop in a python while-loop

I'm a python/coding newbie and I'm trying to put a two for loops into a while loop?我是 python/编码新手,我正在尝试将两个 for 循环放入 while 循环中? Can I do this?我可以这样做吗? How can I print out the dictionary mydict to make sure I am doing this correctly?如何打印字典 mydict 以确保我正确执行此操作?

I'm stuck.我被困住了。

40 minutes later. 40分钟后。 Not stuck anymore.不再卡住了。 Thanks everyone!感谢大家!

def runloop():
    while uid<uidend:
        for row in soup.findAll('h1'):
                name = row.findAll(text = True)
                name = ''.join(name)
                name = name.encode('ascii','ignore')
                name = name.strip()
                mydict['Name'] = name
           except Exception:  

        for row in soup.findAll('div', {'class':'profile-row clearfix'}):
                field = row.find('div', {'class':'profile-row-header'}).findAll$
                field = ''.join(field)
                field = field.encode('ascii','ignore')
                field = field.strip()
            except Exception:
                value = row.find('div', {'class':'profile-information'}).findAl$
                value = ''.join(value)
                value = value.encode('ascii','ignore')
                value = value.strip()
                return mydict
                mydict[field] = value
                print mydict
            except Exception:
    uid = uid + 1


On nested loops:在嵌套循环上:

You can nest for and while loops very deeply before python will give you an error, but it's usually bad form to go more than 4 deep.你可以在 python 给你一个错误之前非常深地嵌套 for 和 while 循环,但它通常是 go 超过 4 深的错误形式。 Make another function if you find yourself needing to do a lot of nesting.如果您发现自己需要进行大量嵌套,请制作另一个 function。 Your use is fine though.不过你的使用很好。

Some problems with the code:代码的一些问题:

  • It will never reach the print statements because under the first for loop you have a return statement.它永远不会到达 print 语句,因为在第一个 for 循环下你有一个 return 语句。 When python sees a return inside a function, it will leave the function and present the return value.当 python 在 function 中看到返回时,它将离开 function 并呈现返回值。
  • I would avoid using try and except until you understand why you're getting the errors that you get without those.我会避免使用 try 和 except,直到你明白为什么你会得到没有这些的错误。
  • Make sure the indentation is consistent.确保缩进一致。 Maybe it's a copy and paste error, but it looks like the indentation of some lines is a character more than others.也许这是一个复制和粘贴错误,但看起来某些行的缩进比其他行更像一个字符。 Make sure every tab is 4 spaces.确保每个制表符都是 4 个空格。 Python, unlike most languages, will freak out if the indentation is off. Python 与大多数语言不同,如果缩进关闭,它会吓坏。
  • Not sure if you just didn't post the function call, but you would need to call runloop() to actually use the function.不确定您是否只是没有发布 function 调用,但您需要调用runloop()才能实际使用 function。

You can put as many loops within other loops as you'd like.您可以根据需要在其他循环中放置任意数量的循环。 These are called nested loops.这些称为嵌套循环。

Also, printing a dictionary is simple:此外,打印字典很简单:

mydict = {}
print mydict

You are not helping yourself by having these all over the place到处都是这些东西并没有帮助自己

       except Exception:  

That basically says, "if anything goes wrong, carry one and don't tell me about it."这基本上是说,“如果有什么问题,随身携带,不要告诉我。”

Something like this lets you at least see the exception这样的事情至少可以让您看到异常

       except Exception as e:
           print e  

Is mydict declared somewhere? mydict是否在某处宣布? That could be your problem那可能是你的问题

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