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[英]Binding initial/default value of dropdown (select) list

I'm having a small issue with setting the initial value of a dropdown. 我在设置下拉列表的初始值时遇到了一个小问题。 The code below is the view model definition and the initialization in $(document).ready . 下面的代码是视图模型定义和$(document).ready的初始化。 I have an array called sourceMaterialTypes and a selectedSourceMaterialType representing the selected value of that array. 我有一个数组称为sourceMaterialTypesselectedSourceMaterialType表示阵列的所选择的值。 I am initializing the view model with values from the (ASP.Net MVC) Model and ViewBag. 我正在使用(ASP.Net MVC)Mod​​el和ViewBag中的值初始化视图模型。

var viewModel = {
    sourceMaterialTypes : 
    selectedSourceMaterialType :
    ingredientTypes :
    selectedIngredientType : ko.observable()

$(document).ready(function () {


    viewModel.selectedSourceMaterialType.subscribe(function(newSourceMaterialType) {
                  { "id": newSourceMaterialType })
            .success(function (data) {
            .error(function () { alert("error"); });

The following is the definition of my dropdown (select) list with the Knockout binding definition. 以下是具有Knockout绑定定义的下拉列表(select)列表的定义。

<select id="SourceMaterialTypeId"
        data-bind="options: sourceMaterialTypes,
                   optionsText: 'Name',
                   optionsValue : 'Id',
                   value: selectedSourceMaterialType"></select>

This all works fine except for the initially selected value in the source materials dropdown ( selectedSourceMaterialType is bound correctly so when the dropdown selection changes its value is correctly updated, it is only the initial selection I am having a problem with), which is always the first item in the sourceMaterialTypes array on my view model. 这一切都正常,除了源材料下拉列表中最初选择的值( selectedSourceMaterialType被正确绑定,因此当下拉选择更改其值正确更新时,它只是我遇到问题的初始选择),这始终是我的视图模型上的sourceMaterialTypes数组中的第一项。

I would like the initially selected value to be that which is initialized from the (server-side) model as the value of selectedSourceMaterialType view model property. 我希望最初选择的值是从(服务器端)模型初始化的值,作为selectedSourceMaterialType视图模型属性的值。

我想你需要传递Id而不是传递selectedSourceMaterialType可观察函数中的整个对象 - >

selectedSourceMaterialType: ko.observable(@Model.SourceMaterialType.Id)

The API has the solution for you, you'll just need to add optionsCaption to your select. API为您提供了解决方案,您只需要在您的选择中添加optionsCaption。

<select id="SourceMaterialTypeId"
    data-bind="options: sourceMaterialTypes,
               optionsText: 'Name',
               optionsValue : 'Id',
               value: selectedSourceMaterialType,
               optionsCaption: 'Please select...'"></select>

As @nEEBz suggested, selectedSourceMaterialType is initialized improperly. 正如@nEEBz建议的那样, selectedSourceMaterialType初始化不正确。 In the learn.knockoutjs.com "Lists and Collections" tutorial , they initialize their viewmodel's selected-item property by passing the value of a specific index of the observable array. learn.knockoutjs.com“列表和集合”教程中 ,他们通过传递可观察数组的特定索引的值来初始化其viewmodel的selected-item属性。 For example, do this: 例如,执行以下操作:

selectedSourceMaterialType: ko.observable(sourceMaterialTypes[2])

...instead of this: ......而不是这个:

selectedSourceMaterialType: ko.observable({"Id":1,"Name":"Coffee Bean" /* ... */});

That way, the value of the selected item is a reference to the item in the same observable array that the dropdownlist items come from. 这样,所选项的值是对下拉列表项所来自的同一可观察数组中的项的引用。

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