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PHP session 和 memcacheD

[英]PHP session and memcacheD

Everybody knows there are two extensions for memcache on PHP:大家都知道 PHP 上有两个 memcache 扩展:

  • memcache内存缓存
  • memcached内存缓存

You can use memcache the PHP extension as a session_handler for PHP like so:您可以使用内存缓存 PHP 扩展作为 PHP 的 session_handler,如下所示:

session.save_handler = memcache
session.save_path = "tcp://serv01:11211,tcp://serv02:11211,tcp://serv03:11211"

Or you can use memcached like so:或者您可以像这样使用 memcached:

session.save_handler = memcached
session.save_path = "serv01:11211,serv02:11211,serv03:11211"

But how to set other parameters to memcached such as:但是如何将其他参数设置为 memcached,例如:


In PHP I will do like so:在 PHP 我会这样做:

$cache = new Memcached();
$cache->addServer('serv01', 11211);
$cache->addServer('serv02', 11211);
$cache->addServer('serv03', 11211);
$cache->setOption(Memcached::OPT_HASH, Memcached::HASH_MD5);
$cache->setOption(Memcached::OPT_DISTRIBUTION, Memcached::DISTRIBUTION_CONSISTENT);
$cache->setOption(Memcached::OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, 150);
$cache->setOption(Memcached::OPT_RETRY_TIMEOUT, 0);

But so far I have not found any documentation or examples of how to set those variables when they are use by the session_handler.但是到目前为止,我还没有找到任何文档或示例说明如何在 session_handler 使用这些变量时设置它们。

After looking trough the source code of both PECL extension and libmemcached itself I finally found my answer in the comment of the blog of the author of the memcached extension.在查看了 PECL 扩展和 libmemcached 本身的源代码后,我终于在 memcached 扩展作者的博客评论中找到了答案。

http://zmievski.org/2009/01/new-memcached-extension http://zmievski.org/2009/01/new-memcached-extension

I quote in case his blog disappeared some day:我引用以防他的博客有一天消失了:

Andrei said: @Ash, the session save path syntax is not quite the same as the other memcache extension. Andrei 说: @Ash,session 保存路径语法与其他 memcache 扩展不太一样。 Try:尝试:

session.save_path="" session.save_path=""

Ash Searle said: Is there any documentation for the syntax – ie does it handle multiple servers and optional parameters like the earlier memcache implementations? Ash Searle 说:是否有任何语法文档——即它是否像早期的 memcache 实现那样处理多个服务器和可选参数? (eg save_path="") (例如 save_path="")

Andrei said: @Ash, no, it's not that advanced. Andrei 说: @Ash,不,它没有那么先进。 For now, the syntax is the default one that libmemcached parser supports: basically, a comma-separated list of hostname:port entries, where:port is optional.目前,语法是 libmemcached 解析器支持的默认语法:基本上,主机名:端口条目的逗号分隔列表,其中:端口是可选的。


Rich Choy said: Is there a reference on the Web that explains each connection parameter that appears after host:port? Rich Choy 说: Web 上是否有解释 host:port 之后出现的每个连接参数的参考? For example what exactly does “timeout=1″ mean?例如,“timeout=1”究竟是什么意思?

Andrei said: @Rich, which extension are you using? Andrei 说: @Rich,你用的是哪个扩展? :) Mine doesn't support those extra parameters, you must be talking about pecl/memcache one. :) 我的不支持那些额外的参数,你一定是在谈论 pecl/memcache 之一。


Frank Orson said: 1) Does pecl/memcached support UDP on the client? Frank Orson 说: 1)pecl/memcached 在客户端是否支持 UDP? I could not find any info about this.我找不到有关此的任何信息。 I know that pecl/memcache 3.0.4 supports it.我知道 pecl/memcache 3.0.4 支持它。

2) Does pecl/memcached have failover support in the client? 2) pecl/memcached 在客户端是否支持故障转移?

Andrei said: Frank, I'm working on next version (2.0) of the memcached extension. Andrei 说: Frank,我正在开发 memcached 扩展的下一个版本(2.0)。 It'll have UDP support and replication (failover).它将具有 UDP 支持和复制(故障转移)。

If you check the source code of version 2 you can see for example that you can append in the save_path string "PERSISTENT=" and "--SERVER" ((which I don't know how it would be used)如果您检查版本 2 的源代码,您可以看到例如您可以在 save_path 字符串“PERSISTENT=”和“--SERVER”中看到 append((我不知道它会如何使用)

You need to write your own session handler and wrap Memcache(d) methods around it.您需要编写自己的 session 处理程序并围绕它包装 Memcache(d) 方法。

http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.session-set-save-handler.php http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.session-set-save-handler.php

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