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推荐的方法来保护 Web 服务?

[英]Recommended ways to secure a webservice?

Do you know what are the best practices in securing webservices?您知道保护 Web 服务的最佳实践是什么吗?

What I need is some security added in the header of the soap message.我需要的是在 soap 消息的 header 中添加一些安全性。 (ssl is not an option) (ssl 不是一个选项)

Maybe you can add the也许你可以添加

X-Magic-Security-Dust: true

header to your requests. header 满足您的要求。

Seriously though, read Bruce Schneier and maybe repost with clarification.不过说真的,请阅读布鲁斯·施奈尔(Bruce Schneier) ,并可能在澄清后重新发布。

What's going to be different about the state of Internet and network security three years from now?三年后互联网和网络安全的 state 会有什么不同?

I think we're finally past the era where people believe in magic security dust, that all they need to do is buy the right set of products and their network will be imbued with the property of "secure."我认为我们终于过去了人们相信魔法安全尘埃的时代,他们需要做的就是购买正确的产品,他们的网络将充满“安全”的属性。 Security is a process.安全是一个过程。 It's a journey.这是一个旅程。

You can use XML-Encryption defined by W3C to make sure that your WS Messages stay confidential.您可以使用 W3C 定义的 XML-Encryption 来确保您的 WS 消息保密。 Theres also an XML-Signature Standard, also by W3C, which ensures Integrity.还有一个 XML 签名标准,也是由 W3C 制定的,它确保了完整性。

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