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[英]Javascript, Chrome Extension development, close popup

In my manifest i have this:在我的清单中,我有这个:

"popup": "1_options.html"

and in the above html file I have this code在上面的 html 文件中我有这个代码

  var saved_email = localStorage['saved_email'];
  if (saved_email !== undefined ||  saved_email != "a@a.com") 
      chrome.tabs.create({url: '0_register.html'});

which is working exactly as I want, it opens a new tab with the register.html BUT it still has the popup open on the top right:( (1_options.html)这完全符合我的要求,它会打开一个带有寄存器的新选项卡。html 但它仍然在右上角打开了弹出窗口:( (1_options.html)

is there anyway to close the popup automatically as I open this new tab?当我打开这个新标签时,是否有自动关闭弹出窗口?

Thanks!谢谢! Ryan瑞安

Have you tried:你有没有尝试过:


There's several ways to do this, but the easiest is just to call:有几种方法可以做到这一点,但最简单的方法是调用:


You can even do this in a callback function when you create your tab...您甚至可以在创建选项卡时在回调 function 中执行此操作...

chrome.tabs.create({url: '0_register.html'}, function() {

You could also add a listener in your background script to check for tab updates, and if your new tab is your registration window, you could remove the popup:您还可以在后台脚本中添加一个侦听器来检查选项卡更新,如果您的新选项卡是您的注册 window,您可以删除弹出窗口:

chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(function(tabId, changeInfo, tab) {
  if(changeInfo.status == "loading") {
      if(tab.url == "chrome-extension://[extension-id]/0_register.html") {
      chrome.tabs.create({url: '0_register.html', selected: true});

If you don't mind the new tab being selected when it is created, this also forces the popup to close.如果您不介意在创建新选项卡时选择它,这也会强制弹出窗口关闭。

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