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[英]JPA mapping: Assositation which primary key is compound of composite primary key of one entity and one atribute of other entity

If you are confused with title, i will try to explain what i was thinking.In matter a fact it's pretty simple.如果您对标题感到困惑,我将尝试解释我的想法。事实上,这很简单。 I have 3 tables (there is more, but it's not important now), which i try to map, but it don't work.我有 3 张桌子(还有更多,但现在不重要),我尝试使用 map,但它不起作用。 Tables:表:

1) Poseta 1) 波塞塔

datumPosete , idKlijenta , UkupnaCena, idMehanicara datumPosete , idKlijenta , UkupnaCena, idMehanicara

2) Usluga 2) 乌斯鲁加

idUsluga , NazivUsluge idUsluga

3) StavkaPosete 3)StavkaPosete

datumPosete , idKlijenta , idUsluge , Kolicina datumPosete , idKlijenta , idUsluge , Kolicina

I bold primary keys.我加粗主键。 As you can see primary key of StavkaPosete table is composed of primary key Usluga table and primary key Poseta table.如您所见,StavkaPosete 表的主键由主键 Usluga 表和主键 Poseta 表组成。 I apologise on my English, if I made some mistakes.如果我犯了一些错误,我就我的英语道歉。 Also I am very grateful everybody who answer.我也非常感谢所有回答的人。

So its CompoundIdentity then where the identity of one class includes another persistent object http://www.datanucleus.org/products/accessplatform_3_0/jpa/orm/compound_identity.html So its CompoundIdentity then where the identity of one class includes another persistent object http://www.datanucleus.org/products/accessplatform_3_0/jpa/orm/compound_identity.html

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