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在温莎城堡设施内创建 class 代理

[英]Create a class proxy within a castle windsor facility

I'm trying to create a facility that will add some interceptor to the registered class based on the class attribute.我正在尝试创建一个设施,该设施将根据 class 属性向已注册的 class 添加一些拦截器。 This is my facility:这是我的设施:

public class MyFacility : AbstractFacility
     protected override void Init()
        this.Kernel.ComponentRegistered += (s, h) =>
            if (h.ComponentModel.Implementation.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(MyAttribute), false).Length > 0)

but this way, when I use the this keyword in a class method it refers to the target class not the proxy class and this makes some framework that I use don't work properly.但是这样,当我在 class 方法中使用this关键字时,它指的是目标 class 而不是代理 class ,这使得我使用的某些框架无法正常工作。

I need to create with a facility the same proxy that is generated with the ProxyGenerator.CreateClassProxy<MyClass>() method.我需要使用ProxyGenerator.CreateClassProxy<MyClass>()方法生成相同的代理。

How can I achieve this?我怎样才能做到这一点?

Expose the class as a service on your component.将 class 公开为组件上的服务。


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