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[英]Batch File: Return to caller?

What is the equivalent of the return statement for a batch file subroutine?批处理文件子例程的return语句等效于什么?

It is:这是:

goto :eof

This is understandably unusual for somebody accustomed to normal programming languages.对于习惯于普通编程语言的人来说,这是可以理解的不寻常的。

I found this info here .我在这里找到了这个信息。

I think that it is:我认为是:

exit /b [exitCode]

Not just because it is more understandeable to use, but also because exit /b (and just exit also) may return an exitCode (ERRORLEVEL) value to the caller program.不仅因为它更易于使用,还因为 exit /b(也只是 exit)可能会向调用程序返回一个 exitCode (ERRORLEVEL) 值。

In my modest opinion, goto:eof is a strange patch that should not be used...在我看来,goto:eof 是一个不应该使用的奇怪补丁......

Goto :Eof


Goto:Eof usually use in call command such as: Goto:Eof 通常在调用命令中使用,例如:

@echo off
call :Hi
echo Hello!
goto :eof 

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