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编辑 httpd.conf 以在 mac 上使用 apache 服务器

[英]Editing httpd.conf to use apache server on mac

I have tried to uncomment the line in this file to enable php however when i open in nano oe any text editor i connot save i have tried sudo, chmod and nothing works i even tried this type of chmod that was mentioned in a tutorial...我试图取消注释此文件中的行以启用 php 但是当我在 nano oe 中打开任何文本编辑器时我无法保存我尝试了 sudo、chmod 并且没有任何效果我什至尝试了教程中提到的这种类型的 chmod。 .

sudo chmod 755 httpd.conf

but still says that i have not the permission to alter the file.但仍然说我无权更改文件。 has anyone succeded what i am trying to achieve.有没有人成功我想要实现的目标。

this is the error i get when editing it in nano这是我在 nano 中编辑时遇到的错误

[error writing httpd.conf: permission denied]

Have you tried simply using sudo nano httpd.conf rather than trying to chmod it?您是否尝试过简单地使用sudo nano httpd.conf而不是尝试 chmod 它?

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