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如何从适用于多种 Class 类型的方法返回实际类型而不是 Object 类型?

[英]How to return the actual type rather than an Object type from a method that can work for multiple Class types?

Is there any way to modify the findModel method in SubService to return a Foo or Boo type rather than an Object type .有没有办法修改SubService中的findModel方法以返回FooBoo类型而不是Object类型

I'd like to be able to just call findModel from FooService or BooService without casting to a Foo or Boo model object.我希望能够从FooServiceBooService调用findModel而无需转换为FooBoo model object。

Is that possible?那可能吗?


public Object findModel(long id, Class modelClass) {

    Object modelObject = null;
    javax.jdo.Query query = persistenceManager.newQuery(modelClass);
    query.setFilter("id == idParam");
    query.declareParameters("long idParam");
    List<Object> modelObjects = (List<Object>) query.execute(id);
        modelObject = null;
        modelObject = modelObjects.get(0);
    return modelObject;


FooService extends SubService: FooService 扩展子服务:

public Foo getFoo(long id) {

    Foo modelObject = (Foo)this.findModel(id, Foo.class);
    return modelObject;


BooService extends SubService: BooService 扩展了 SubService:

public Boo getBoo(long id) {

    Boo modelObject = (Boo)this.findModel(id, Boo.class);
    return modelObject;


Redefine method with generics:用 generics 重新定义方法:

public <T> T findModel(long id, Class<T> modelClass)

Now it will return what you need and you do not need casting.现在它将返回您需要的内容,并且您不需要强制转换。

Cast your objects in you findModel to SubService将 findModel 中的对象转换为SubService

public SubService findModel(long id, Class modelClass)  {
     return (SubService) modelObject;

Then you can drop the casting in fooService然后你可以在 fooService 中删除铸件

Foo modelObject = this.findModel(id, Foo.class);

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