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Mac OS Lion 和沙盒

[英]Mac OS Lion and Sandboxing

I am developping a file manager app for Mac OS and I was wondering what can be the impact of the new sandboxing function of Mac OS.我正在为 Mac OS 开发一个文件管理器应用程序,我想知道 Mac OS 的新沙盒 function 会产生什么影响。

Any experience?有什么经验吗?


The Matthieu's answer is obsolete.马蒂厄的回答已经过时了。 With Lion, you have to refer to Code Signing And Application Sandboxing Guide .使用 Lion,您必须参考Code Signing And Application Sandboxing Guide

Also read this question: Howto "sandbox" my Lion application?另请阅读此问题: 如何“沙盒”我的 Lion 应用程序?

Sandboxing your application is currently optional.沙盒化您的应用程序目前是可选的。 You have to put code in your application to sandbox it by using the sandbox_init() function.您必须在应用程序中使用 sandbox_init() function 将代码放入沙箱中。

References :参考资料
http://techjournal.318.com/security/a-brief-introduction-to-mac-os-x-sandbox-technology/ http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/man3/sandbox_init.3.html http://techjournal.318.com/security/a-brief-introduction-to-mac-os-x-sandbox-technology/ http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Darwin/Reference /ManPages/man3/sandbox_init.3.html

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