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如何计算 PHP 上的数组/对象内的元素?

[英]How to count elements inside array/object on PHP?

I have this array being sent to my view我有这个数组被发送到我的视图

    [0] => stdClass Object
            [emg_id] => 2
            [fkit] => 1
            [door] => 


I would like to count how many elements are empty, NULL, or '0'.我想计算有多少元素是空的,NULL 或“0”。

I tried using count but it always returns '1', instead of counting all of the elements, so I can later determine which satisfy my conditions above.我尝试使用count ,但它总是返回'1',而不是计算所有元素,所以我以后可以确定哪些满足我的上述条件。

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?任何想法我做错了什么?

// number of "null" elements
echo count(array_filter((array) $array[0], 'is_null'));

There are some other is_*() -functions built-in, that may help you for example to count the number of strings (and so on).还有一些其他is_*()内置函数,例如可以帮助您计算字符串的数量(等等)。

To test, if an element is (eg) 0 , I suggest to use an anonymous function为了测试,如果一个元素是(例如) 0 ,我建议使用匿名 function

echo count(array_filter((array) $array[0], function ($item) {
  return $item === 0;

The other cases are similar.其他情况类似。

loop through them and count.遍历它们并计数。

function loopMe($array, $value) {
    $num = 0;
    foreach($array as $key=>$val) {
        if($val == $value)
    return $num;

$ar = array (
    array (
        "emg_id" => 2
        "fkit" => 1
        "door" => null));
$num = loopMe($ar[0], null);

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