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如何在 SQLAlchemy 或 SqlSoup ORM 中自动反映表关系?

[英]How to automatically reflect table relationships in SQLAlchemy or SqlSoup ORM?

How do I tell SQLAlchemy to automatically reflect basic Foreign Key references as references to other ORM objects and not integer fields?如何告诉 SQLAlchemy 自动将基本外键引用反映为对其他 ORM 对象而不是 integer 字段的引用?

In both SQLAlchemy and it's SqlSoup , table columns are reflected automatically and relations can be defined manually:SQLAlchemy和它的SqlSoup中,自动反映表列并且可以手动定义关系:

class User(Base):
    __table__ = metadata.tables['users']
    loan = relation(Loans)

... ...

You can define relationships on SqlSoup classes:
>>> db.users.relate('loans', db.loans)

Try this magic ) Works for simple FK relations, and without db schemes试试这个魔法)适用于简单的 FK 关系,并且没有数据库方案

from sqlalchemy import create_engine, MetaData
from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper, relation

engine = create_engine("sqlite://", echo=True)

    create table foo (
        id integer not null primary key,
        x integer

    create table bar (
        id integer not null primary key,
        foo_id integer,
        FOREIGN KEY(foo_id) REFERENCES foo(id)

metadata = MetaData()


repr_name = lambda t: '%s%s' % (t[0].upper(), t[1:])

for table in metadata.tables:

    cls = None
    # 1. create class object
    cls_name = repr_name(str(table))
    exec("""class %s(object): pass""" % cls_name)
    exec("""cls = %s""" % cls_name)

    # 2. collect relations by FK
    properties = {}
    for c in metadata.tables[table].columns:
        for fk in c.foreign_keys:
            name = str(fk.column).split('.')[0]
                name: relation(lambda: MAPPERS[repr_name(name)]),

    # 3. map table to class object 
    mapper(cls, metadata.tables[table], properties=properties)

    MAPPERS.update({cls_name: cls})

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker

    print 'Mappers: '
    for m in MAPPERS.values():
        print m

    session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)()

    foo = Foo()
    foo.x = 1


    print session.query(Foo).all()

    bar = Bar()
    bar.foo = foo

    print session.query(Bar).all()

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