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firefox 中的样式属性

[英]Style attribute in firefox

i am using a piece of code in js as:-我在 js 中使用一段代码作为:-

span_1.style.width = '30%'

input_1.style.width = '40%';

td_1.style.cursor = 'hand';

where span_1 , input_1 , td_1 are span , input , td objects, resp.其中span_1input_1td_1分别是spaninputtd对象。

All are not working in firefox?Any suggestions...所有这些都不能在 firefox 中工作?任何建议......

not quite sure, but I guess you'll have to display them as 'block' first, since spans are inline-elements.不太确定,但我想你必须首先将它们显示为“块”,因为跨度是内联元素。 Also, the parent element should have a width set.此外,父元素应设置宽度。

so in css: display: block;所以在 css 中:显示:块;

//edit: //编辑:

display: inline-block;显示:内联块;

may even be better.甚至可能会更好。

Some browsers put all elements with an id as properties in the window object so that you can access them directly, but this is not a web standard.一些浏览器将所有具有 id 的元素作为属性放在window object 中,以便您可以直接访问它们,但这不是 web 标准。 Use the getElementById method to access elements:使用getElementById方法访问元素:

document.getElementById('span_1').style.width = '30%';

document.getElementById('input_1').style.width = '40%';

document.getElementById('td_1').style.cursor = 'pointer';

First: the hand value for cursor is Microsoft's proprietary implementation of what every other browser calls pointer.首先: cursorhand值是微软专有的实现,其他浏览器都称之为pointer. I think you have to go back to IE5 to find an IE that doesn't support pointer so use that instead.我认为您必须 go 回到 IE5 才能找到不支持pointer的 IE,因此请改用它。

If you want to support browsers that don't understand pointer then change the .className instead and have a style predefined:如果您想支持不理解pointer的浏览器,请改为更改.className并预定义样式:

.foo { 
    cursor: hand;
    cursor: pointer;

Second: The width property does not apply to display: inline elements (which a <span> is by default).第二: width 属性不适用于display: inline元素(默认情况下是<span> )。 IE may get this wrong in quirks mode, which leads to many inconsistances. IE 在 quirks 模式下可能会出错,从而导致许多不一致。 Make sure you are in standards mode .确保您处于标准模式

If you are using a span, then change it to a block element, or style the display so it isn't inline (eg display: inline-block; ).如果您使用的是跨度,则将其更改为块元素,或设置显示样式以使其不是内联(例如display: inline-block; )。

Third: You don't specify how you get the reference to the elements in the respective variables.第三:您没有指定如何获取对各个变量中元素的引用。 IE has a tendency to splurge global variables that match the id of any given element. IE 倾向于使用与任何给定元素的 id 匹配的全局变量。 This is non-standard and can't be relied upon.这是非标准的,不能依赖。 Make sure you get proper references.确保你得到正确的参考。 eg例如

var span_1 = document.getElementById('span_1');

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