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你如何强制编译器在C ++中通过引用传递一些变量?

[英]How do you force compiler to pass some variable by reference in C++?

Here is a simple example; 这是一个简单的例子;

template <typename T>
void foo(T t) {}

std::string str("some huge text");

My question is how can I force the compiler to pass str by reference without modifying function foo? 我的问题是如何在不修改函数foo的情况下强制编译器通过引用传递str?

Pass the reference type explicitly: 明确传递引用类型:

template <typename T>
void foo(T t) {}

int main() {
   std::string str("some huge text");

This does modify the function instantiation that you get (by generating a void foo<std::string&>(std::string& t) ), but it doesn't modify the function template. 修改您获得的函数实例化(通过生成void foo<std::string&>(std::string& t) ),但它不会修改函数模板。

Live demo. 现场演示。


Apart from the other answers, you can also think to overload foo() : 除了其他答案,你还可以考虑重载foo()

template <typename T>
void foo(T t) {}

void foo(std::string &t) {}

std::string str("some huge text");

This way you don't change the actual foo() behavior and get your work done with the overloaded version. 这样您就不会更改实际的foo()行为并使用重载版本完成工作。

boost :: reference_wrapper也应该解决你的问题。

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