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xml / html属性的javascript正则表达式

[英]javascript regex for xml/html attributes

I cant seem to be able to build a good regex expression (in javascript) that extracts each attribute from an xml node. 我似乎无法建立良好的regex表达式(使用javascript),该表达式从xml节点提取每个属性。 For example, 例如,

<Node attribute="one" attribute2="two" n="nth"></node>

I need an express to give me an array of 我需要快递给我一些

['attribute="one"', 'attribute2="two"' ,'n="nth"']

... Any help would be appreciated. ... 任何帮助,将不胜感激。 Thank you 谢谢

In case you missed Kerrek's comment: 如果您错过了Kerrek的评论:

you can't parse XML with a regular expression. 您不能使用正则表达式解析XML。

And the link: RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags 以及链接: RegEx匹配除XHTML自包含标签之外的其他打开标签

You can get the attributes of a node by iterating over its attributes property: 您可以通过迭代节点的attribute属性来获取节点的属性:

function getAttributes(el) {
  var r = [];
  var a, atts = el.attributes;

  for (var i=0, iLen=atts.length; i<iLen; i++) {
    a = atts[i];
    r.push(a.name + ': ' + a.value);

Of course you probably want to do somethig other than just put them in an alert. 当然,除了将它们置于警报状态之外,您可能还想做其他事情。

Here is an article on MDN that includes links to relevant standards: 这是一篇有关MDN的文章,其中包含相关标准的链接:

https://developer.mozilla.org/En/DOM/Node.attributes https://developer.mozilla.org/En/DOM/Node.attributes

try this~ 试试这个〜

  <script type="text/javascript">
    var myregexp = /<node((\s+\w+=\"[^\"]+\")+)><\/node>/im;
    var match = myregexp.exec("<Node attribute=\"one\" attribute2=\"two\" n=\"nth\"></node>");
    if (match != null) {
    result = match[1].trim();
    var arrayAttrs = result.split(/\s+/);

The regex is /\\w+=".+"/g (note the g of global ). 正则表达式为/ /\\w+=".+"/g g ".+"/ g (注意globalg )。

You might try it right now on your firebug / chrome console by doing: 您可以立即在Firebug / Chrome控制台上尝试执行以下操作:

var matches = '<Node attribute="one" attribute2="two" n="nth"></node>'.match(/\w+="\w+"/g)

I think you could get it using the following. 我认为您可以使用以下方法获得它。 You would want the second and third matching group. 您需要第二和第三个匹配组。


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