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[英]SQL error while using mysql_query() but not in PHPMyAdmin

I get the following error: 我收到以下错误:

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '1' at line 1

My query is: 我的查询是:

SELECT * FROM  `history` LIMIT 0 , 30

When I run it in PHPMyAdmin it works fine, and the database connection is working. 当我在PHPMyAdmin中运行它时,它可以正常工作,并且数据库连接正常。

EDIT: Okay this is solved. 编辑:好的,这解决了。 My FTP client was saying it was copying the file to the server but when I tried to open the file in cpanle's file manager it was corrupted. 我的FTP客户端说它正在将文件复制到服务器,但是当我尝试在cpanle的文件管理器中打开文件时,文件已损坏。

Try using "real" single quotes or leave them out altogether in PHP instead of the "tilted" ones that PhpMyAdmin gives you. 尝试使用“真正的”单引号或将其完全排除在PHP中,而不要使用PhpMyAdmin提供的“倾斜”单引号。

$query = "SELECT * FROM history LIMIT 0, 30";

should work. 应该管用。


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