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正则表达式 - 捕获所有重复组

[英]Regular Expression - Capturing all repeating groups

I have strings like below: 我有如下字符串:

@property.one@some text here@property.two@another optional text here etc

which contains @.+?@ strings inside. 其中包含@.+?@字符串。

I'd like to capture all these "variables" into groups via one regexp matching but it seems like it's not possible as regexp returns only last captured group while repeating. 我想通过一个正则表达式匹配将所有这些“变量”捕获到组中,但似乎不可能因为正则表达式在重复时仅返回最后捕获的组。

You're right; 你是对的; most regex flavors, Java included, do not allow access to individual matches of a repeated capturing group. 包含Java的大多数正则表达式都不允许访问重复捕获组的单个匹配。 (Perl 6 and .NET do allow this, for the record, but that's not helping you). (对于记录,Perl 6和.NET确实允许这样做,但这对你没有帮助)。

What else can you do? 你还能做什么?

Pattern regex = Pattern.compile("@[^@]+@");
Matcher regexMatcher = regex.matcher(subjectString);
while (regexMatcher.find()) {
    // matched text: regexMatcher.group()
    // match start: regexMatcher.start()
    // match end: regexMatcher.end()

That will capture @property.one@ , @property.two@ etc. one by one. 这将逐一捕获@property.one@@property.two@等。

如果您知道分隔符将是@ ,那么为什么不使用split方法( string.split('@') )?

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