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是iphone sdk的谷歌日历api吗?

[英]Is any google calendar api for iphone sdk?

Is there any google calendar api for iphone sdk, currently I develop an iphone calendar native application. 是否有任何谷歌日历api for iphone sdk,目前我正在开发iphone日历本机应用程序。 In this application i want to sync with google calendar from both side. 在这个应用程序中,我想从两侧同步谷歌日历。 So i want to know is there any google calendar api for this work. 所以我想知道这项工作是否有谷歌日历api。

I found iphone-gcal-example but it shows errors because it has missing GData Source files. 我找到了iphone-gcal-example但它显示错误,因为它缺少GData源文件。 Is there any other example which sync or add events to google calendar. 是否还有其他任何将事件同步或添加到Google日历的示例。

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

There are official APIs from Google in Objective-C which work on Mac OS X and iPhone/iPad: Google的官方API在Objective-C中可用于Mac OS X和iPhone / iPad:

http://code.google.com/p/gdata-objectivec-client/ http://code.google.com/p/gdata-objectivec-client/

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