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如何通过代码为Java RMI动态设置SSL?

[英]How to set up SSL for Java RMI dynamically from code?

I am using Java RMI and until now just used the following VM arguments 我正在使用Java RMI,直到现在才使用以下VM参数


and just used SslRMI socket factories for the registry and the export of the objects. 并仅使用SslRMI套接字工厂进行注册表和对象的导出。
Now I want to get rid of the additional command line parameters and read that from a property file. 现在,我想摆脱其他命令行参数,并从属性文件中读取该参数。 I hoped that for that I just need to set the properties via 我希望为此,我只需要通过以下方式设置属性

System.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.trustStore", "C:/servertruststore.jks");

and so on and then set up the stuff automatically (like it happens when starting with the VM arguments). 等等,然后自动进行设置(例如,以VM参数开头时会发生这种情况)。 What do I have to do to make that happen? 我该怎么做才能做到这一点?

And if that is not possible, what else can I do? 如果那是不可能的,那我还能做什么? Do I have to create my own SSLContext with the Keystore and TrustManagers? 我是否必须使用密钥库和TrustManager创建自己的SSLContext? And how do I get this context to my SslRMIFactories? 以及如何将此上下文传递到SslRMIFactories?

Yes - those parameters can be set using System.setProperty as well. 是的-也可以使用System.setProperty设置这些参数。 The answer to how depends on your environment. 答案如何取决于您的环境。 If you are using an application server, there might be some configuration file to set/expose custom system properties automatically. 如果使用的是应用程序服务器,可能会有一些配置文件可自动设置/公开自定义系统属性。 For example, on JBoss that file is properties-service.xml under deploy folder. 例如,在JBoss上,该文件是deploy文件夹下的properties-service.xml。

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