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[英]Dojox.grid.datagrid sorting order


The datagrid only use the selected column for sorting: 数据网格仅使用选定的列进行排序:

getSortProps: function(){
    var c = this.getCell(this.getSortIndex());
            return this.sortFields;
        return null;
        var desc = c["sortDesc"];
        var si = !(this.sortInfo>0);
        if(typeof desc == "undefined"){
            desc = si;
            desc = si ? !desc : desc;
        return [{ attribute: c.field, descending: desc }];

So, when you have two rows with the sam cell value, the time of the row addition will descide the order. 因此,当您有两行具有sam单元格值的行时,添加行的时间将决定顺序。 (Which row is older, that will be in forward position). (哪一排是旧的,将处于前向位置)。

Otherwise, you can redefine the getSortProps method on your object, so you can add secondary sorting option. 否则,您可以在对象上重新定义getSortProps方法,因此可以添加辅助排序选项。

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