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[英]Javascript: How to check boolean value from code-behind in ASP.NET

I have a boolean property in code-behind ASP.NET, now I want to use it in Javascript of mark-up file, but Javascript do not understand True, or False. 我在代码隐藏的ASP.NET中有一个布尔属性,现在我想在标记文件的Javascript中使用它,但Javascript不理解True或False。 SO now, I'm using this: 那么现在,我正在使用这个:

if ( '<%=IsTabVisible%>' == 'True'){

It works, but quite ugly. 它有效,但非常难看。 Is there a better way to do this? 有一个更好的方法吗?

Thank you 谢谢

The way I see it you have three options: 我看到它的方式有三个选择:

A. Do what you are already doing. A.做你正在做的事情。

B. Perform the if test on the server-side, something like this: B.在服务器端执行if测试,如下所示:

 <% if (IsTabVisible) { %> // client-side code here, whatever you had inside the brackets // of your original if statement <% } %> 

C. Make sure you generate 'true' and 'false' in lowercase so that it will work as client-side JavaScript, something like this: C.确保以小写形式生成“true”和“false”,以便它可以作为客户端JavaScript工作,如下所示:

if (<%= IsTabVisible ? "true" : "false" %>)

Which will appear to the client as: 这对客户来说是:

if (true)

or 要么

if (false)

Option A may look a bit funny but it works fine. 选项A可能看起来有点滑稽,但它工作正常。 Option C produces pretty client-side code that probably nobody will see. 选项C产生漂亮的客户端代码,可能没有人会看到。 My preference is Option B. 我的偏好是选项B.

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