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[英]read html file from asp.net


I use ASP to make HTML directly, if you have the HTML file, you may wish to save it as .aspx but use this line to call your ascx page: 我使用ASP直接制作HTML,如果您有HTML文件,则可能希望将其另存为.aspx,但使用此行调用ascx页面:

<%@CodeFile="nameFile.aspx.cs" Inherits="Pages_features" %>

I always put this at the tippy top of the page. 我总是将此放在页面的顶部。 Hope this helps (and that i've got it right, because Visual Studio usually does it for me!) 希望这会有所帮助(并且我做对了,因为Visual Studio通常为我做这件事!)

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