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PHP preg_replace:从img标签中删除style =“ ..”

[英]PHP preg_replace: remove style=“..” from img tags

I'm trying to find an expression for preg_replace, that deletes all inline css styles for images. 我正在尝试查找preg_replace的表达式,该表达式删除图像的所有内联css样式。 For example, I have this text: 例如,我有这段文字:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. <img style="float:left; margin:0 0 10px 10px;" src="image.jpg" /> Proin vestibulum libero id nisl dignissim eu sodales.

And I need to make it look like: 我需要使其看起来像:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. <img src="image.jpg" /> Proin vestibulum libero id nisl dignissim eu sodales.

I have tried dozens of expressions like 我已经尝试过数十种表达方式

preg_replace("%<img(.*?)style(.*?)=(.*?)(\'|\")(.+?)(\'|\")(.*?)>%i", "<img\$1\$7>", $article->text)

but nothing worked. 但没有任何效果。 Any suggestions? 有什么建议么?

preg_replace('/(\<img[^>]+)(style\=\"[^\"]+\")([^>]+)(>)/', '${1}${3}${4}', $article->text)


As was commented you should use a dom parser, PHP has one built in (two in some cases) called DOMDocument. 如前所述,您应该使用dom解析器,PHP具有一个内置的DOMDocument(在某些情况下为两个)。 Here is how you could use it for your purpose. 这是您可以如何将其用于您的目的。

$x = new DOMDocument();
    foreach($x->getElementsByTagName('img') as $img)

Your pattern is too permissive. 您的模式太宽松了。 Since . 由于. could match anything, style(.*?)=(.*?) will go on trying to match until it hits something with a = sign in it, including all sorts of stuff you don't want. 可以匹配任何东西, style(.*?)=(.*?)会继续尝试匹配,直到碰到带有=符号的东西为止,包括各种您不想要的东西。 You also aren't using the g or m flags, which I'm pretty sure you want to use. 您也没有使用gm标志,我敢肯定您要使用它们。

Try something like this: 尝试这样的事情:

preg_replace("/<img\s([^>]*)style\s*=\s*('|\").*?\2([^>]*)>/igm", "<img $1 $3>", $article->text)

Note the ('|")...\\2 , which allows code like style="foo 'bar'" . This is quite possible in style tags. 注意('|")...\\2 ,它允许像style="foo 'bar'"这样的代码。这在style标签中是很可能的。


preg_replace('/<img style="[^"]*"/', '<img ', $article->text);

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