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[英]Protobuf Inheritance and Generics

I am attempting to use ProtoBuf net to serialize an object tree with the classes in the following format: 我试图使用ProtoBuf net来序列化具有以下格式的类的对象树:

class MySpecialCollectionList<T> : List<MySpecialCollection<T>>
    public string Name { get; set; }

class MySpecialCollection<T> : List<Special<T>>
    public string Name { get; set; }

class Special<T>
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }

    private readonly T _source; 
    T Source { get { return _source; } }

    private Special()

    public Special(T source) 
        _source = source; 

interface IBeast
    string Name { get; set; }
class Ant : IBeast
    public string Name { get; set; }
class Cat : IBeast
    public string Name { get; set; }
class Dog : IBeast
    public string Name { get; set; }

public partial class Form1 : Form
    public Form1()

    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        MySpecialCollectionList<IBeast> collectionList = GetSpecialCollectionList();
        using (var fs = File.Create(@"c:\temp\protobuftest.bin"))
            Serializer.Serialize(fs, collectionList);


    private MySpecialCollectionList<IBeast> GetSpecialCollectionList()
        var ant = new Ant() { Name = "Mr Ant" };
        var cat = new Cat() { Name = "Mr Cat" };
        var dog = new Dog() { Name = "Mr Dog" };

        var Special = new Special<IBeast>(ant);

        var specialCollection1 = new MySpecialCollection<IBeast>() {
            {new Special<IBeast>(ant)},
            {new Special<IBeast>(cat)},
            {new Special<IBeast>(dog)}
        specialCollection1.Name = "Special Collection1";

        var specialCollection2 = new MySpecialCollection<IBeast>() {
            {new Special<IBeast>(ant)},
            {new Special<IBeast>(dog)}
        specialCollection2.Name = "Special Collection2";

        var specialCollectionList = new MySpecialCollectionList<IBeast>() {
            specialCollection1, specialCollection2 };

        specialCollectionList.Name = "Special Collection List";
        return specialCollectionList;

Notice how the class I am serializing ( MySpecialCollectionList<T> ) is derived from a List<SomeOtherClass<T>> , not just List<T> . 注意我序列化的类( MySpecialCollectionList<T> )是如何从List<SomeOtherClass<T>>派生的,而不仅仅是List<T>

I am struggling to work out where to put "ProtoInclude" attributes to get this to serialize all the items in the MySpecialCollectionList. 我正在努力找出在哪里放置“ProtoInclude”属性来获取它来序列化MySpecialCollectionList中的所有项目。 Any help would be much appreciated. 任何帮助将非常感激。

Inheritance is not an issue here since even if A : B it is not true that Foo<A> : Foo<B> . 继承在这里不是问题,因为即使A : BFoo<A> : Foo<B>也不是这样。 Note that protobuf-net won't use a non-default constructor, although it is possible to skip the constructor, binding to the field directly (even readonly ). 请注意,protobuf-net不会使用非默认构造函数,尽管可以跳过构造函数,直接绑定到字段(甚至readonly )。 While you may have 6 T , I can't see (from the code) that it would ever be in doubt which closed type you intend, and if the closed type is known you should be set. 虽然你可能有6 T ,但是我无法看到(从代码中)你怀疑哪种封闭类型会被怀疑,如果已知封闭类型你应该被设置。

If you have a Foo<SomeBaseClass> and a number of concrete types inherited from SomeBaseClass then the markers would o on SomeBaseClass . 如果你有一个Foo<SomeBaseClass>和从SomeBaseClass继承的一些具体类型,那么标记将在SomeBaseClass

However, if you have a concrete scenario I can use to reproduce your issue, I'll happily take a look. 但是,如果您有一个具体的场景我可以用来重现您的问题,我很乐意看一看。

Updated re edit: 更新了重新编辑:

There are a couple of key points drawn out in the example: 该示例中提出了几个关键点:

  • in common with most binding APIs, XmlSerializer and IIRC DataContractSerializer, an item is either a list xor an item with values; 与大多数结合的API常见,XmlSerializer的和IIRC DataContractSerializer的,一个项目可以是一个列表与异或值的项目; if a collection (something implementing IList ) has properties itself, they will not be serialized; 如果集合(实现IList东西)本身具有属性,它们将不会被序列化; encapsulation is preferred over inheritance here, ie something that has a Name and has a list (rather than has a Name and is a list) 封装比这里的继承更受欢迎,即具有 Name具有列表的东西(而不是具有 Name并且列表)
  • protobuf-net v1 does not support interface-based serialization; protobuf-net v1不支持基于接口的序列化; v2 does , but as with XmlSerializer and DataContractSerializer you need to explicitly tell it what things it needs to expect; v2 可以 ,但是与XmlSerializer和DataContractSerializer一样,你需要明确告诉它需要什么东西; quite nicely, though, we can move the [ProtoMember] onto the interface itself 但很好,我们可以将[ProtoMember]移动到界面本身

Here's a fully working version in v2: 这是v2中完全正常运行的版本:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using ProtoBuf;
class MySpecialCollectionList<T>
    public string Name { get; set; }

    private readonly List<MySpecialCollection<T>> items = new List<MySpecialCollection<T>>();
    public List<MySpecialCollection<T>> Items { get { return items; } }

class MySpecialCollection<T>
    public string Name { get; set; }

    private readonly List<Special<T>> items = new List<Special<T>>();
    public List<Special<T>> Items { get { return items; } }

class Special<T>
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }

    private readonly T _source;
    T Source { get { return _source; } }

    private Special()

    public Special(T source)
        _source = source;
[ProtoInclude(2, typeof(Ant))]
[ProtoInclude(3, typeof(Cat))]
[ProtoInclude(4, typeof(Dog))]
interface IBeast
    string Name { get; set; }
class Ant : IBeast
    public string Name { get; set; }
class Cat : IBeast
    public string Name { get; set; }
class Dog : IBeast
    public string Name { get; set; }

public static class Form1

    private static void Main()
        MySpecialCollectionList<IBeast> collectionList = GetSpecialCollectionList();
        var copy = Serializer.DeepClone(collectionList);

    private static MySpecialCollectionList<IBeast> GetSpecialCollectionList()
        var ant = new Ant() { Name = "Mr Ant" };
        var cat = new Cat() { Name = "Mr Cat" };
        var dog = new Dog() { Name = "Mr Dog" };

        var Special = new Special<IBeast>(ant);

        var specialCollection1 = new MySpecialCollection<IBeast>() {Items =
            {new Special<IBeast>(ant),
            new Special<IBeast>(cat),
            new Special<IBeast>(dog)}
        specialCollection1.Name = "Special Collection1";

        var specialCollection2 = new MySpecialCollection<IBeast>()
            Items =
            {new Special<IBeast>(ant),
            new Special<IBeast>(dog)}
        specialCollection2.Name = "Special Collection2";

        var specialCollectionList = new MySpecialCollectionList<IBeast>()
            Items ={
            specialCollection1, specialCollection2 }

        specialCollectionList.Name = "Special Collection List";
        return specialCollectionList;

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