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无法使用Axis2客户端访问Amazon Web Service

[英]Unable to Access Amazon Web Service using Axis2 client

I am facing a problem while trying to access Amazon Web Service ( http://soap.amazon.com/schemas2/AmazonWebServices.wsdl ) using Axis2 version 1.6.0 尝试使用Axis2版本1.6.0访问Amazon Web Servicehttp://soap.amazon.com/schemas2/AmazonWebServices.wsdl )时遇到问题

In Eclipse Galileo, I am using Axis2 for generating client stub for Amazon Web service and there I am getting the following error : 在Eclipse Galileo中,我使用Axis2为Amazon Web Service生成客户端存根 ,并且出现以下错误:

Exception occurred during code generation for WSDL  : 

Prior to this, I have created a Soap Web Service using Axis2 and generated stub for the same. 在此之前,我已经使用Axis2创建了一个Soap Web Service并为其生成了存根。 It worked properly. 它工作正常。

But when I tried to generate the client stub for a Soap Web Service generated using PHP , I got the same error that I got while accessing Amazon Web Service. 但是,当我尝试为使用PHP生成的Soap Web Service生成客户端存根时,出现了与访问Amazon Web Service时相同的错误。 Does it create any problem when a PHP Soap Service is accessed from Axis2 client for generating client stub in java? 从Axis2客户端访问PHP肥皂服务以在Java中生成客户端存根时,是否会产生任何问题?

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

Above WSDL file contains some SOAP encoding elements as follows. 上面的WSDL文件包含一些SOAP编码元素,如下所示。

              <xsd:restriction base="soapenc:Array">
                    <xsd:attribute ref="soapenc:arrayType" wsdl:arrayType="typens:ProductLine[]"/>

Axis2 does not support for SOAP encoding that is the reason for above exception. Axis2不支持SOAP编码,这是上述异常的原因。

Am not sure why the error is being caused. 不知道为什么会引起该错误。 If nothing works out, please try changing your eclipse IDE. 如果没有任何效果,请尝试更改Eclipse IDE。 I had a lot of trouble with 'TargetInvocationException' when I tried generating client stub from the wsdl using WSDL2JAVA Codegen plugin. 当我尝试使用WSDL2JAVA Codegen插件从wsdl生成客户端存根时,“ TargetInvocationException”遇到了很多麻烦。 wsdl2java codegen eclipse plugin- java.lang.reflect.invocationtargetexception wsdl2java codegen eclipse插件-java.lang.reflect.invocationtargetException

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