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[英]mysql_fetch_assoc only returns 1 result

mysql_fetch_assoc is only fetching one record (checked database side of things all good) mysql_fetch_assoc仅获取一条记录(检查数据库方面一切都很好)
Php Code: 邮递区号:

$folder_id = $_GET['folder_id'];
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM gallery_photos WHERE folder_id = $folder_id");

if (mysql_num_rows($query) == 0)
    echo '<h2>Sorry, you cannot change a folders photo cover if that folder has 
         no    photos in it<br /> <a href="gallery.albums.php?fder_id='
         .$folder_id.'">Back to the folder</a><h2>';
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query))
        echo '<img src="gallery_photos/'.$row['photo_name'].'" width="200"';

You're not closing the HTML IMG tag. 您没有关闭HTML IMG标签。 Add the /> to your tag. />添加到标签中。

echo '<img src="gallery_photos/'.$row['photo_name'].'" width="200" />';

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