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Rails 3 helper_method

[英]Rails 3 helper_method

I have setup a helper method within the application controller ie. 我在应用程序控制器中设置了一个辅助方法,即。

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base

  # Helpers
  helper_method :current_user

  # Private Methods

  def current_user
    @current_user ||= Tester.find(session[:user_id]) if session[:user_id]


If I try to access to current_user variable within a view im getting an error 如果我尝试访问视图中的current_user变量,则会出现错误

Welcome <%=@current_user.first_name%>

undefined method `first_name' for nil:NilClass

I know the session is good. 我知道会议很好。 Is this the correct was to access to current_user ? 这是正确的访问current_user?

Thanks for the help 谢谢您的帮助


Welcome <%= current_user.first_name%>

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