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[英]Calling Javascript to make HTML that can be used by different Javascript file

Current situation: Have a timesheet that allows the user to enter their leave, TOIL, Sick which totals the hours.Have a table that creates a new row everytime the plus button is pressed. 当前情况:有一个时间表,允许用户输入自己的假期(TOIL,病假)来累计小时数。有一个表格,每当按下加号按钮时就会创建新的一行。 Using the following 使用以下

Table Creates & Removes rows 表创建和删除行

function CreateNewRow(num, str) {
    var intLine = parseInt(document.frmMain.hdnMaxLine.value);

    var theTable = document.getElementById("tbExp");
    var newRow = theTable.insertRow(theTable.rows.length)
    newRow.id = newRow.uniqueID

    var newCell

    //*** ID Column ***//
    newCell = newRow.insertCell(0);
    newCell.id = newCell.uniqueID;
    newCell.setAttribute("className", "css-name");
    newCell.innerHTML = num;

    //*** Column 1 ***//
    newCell = newRow.insertCell(1);
    newCell.id = newCell.uniqueID;
    newCell.setAttribute("className", "css-name");
    //newCell.innerHTML = "<center><INPUT TYPE=\"TEXT\" SIZE=\"10\" NAME=\"Column1_"+intLine+"\"  ID=\"Column1_"+intLine+"\" VALUE=\"\"></center>";
    newCell.innerHTML = str;

    //*** Column 2 ***//
    newCell = newRow.insertCell(2);
    newCell.id = newCell.uniqueID;
    newCell.setAttribute("className", "css-name");
    newCell.innerHTML = "<center><SELECT NAME=\"Column5_"+intLine+"\" ID=\"Column5_"+intLine+"\"></SELECT></center>";

    //*** Column 3 ***//
    newCell = newRow.insertCell(3);
    newCell.id = newCell.uniqueID;
    newCell.setAttribute("className", "css-name");
    newCell.innerHTML = "<center><INPUT TYPE=\"TEXT\" SIZE=\"5\" NAME=\"Column4_" + intLine + "\"  ID=\"Column4_" + intLine + "\" VALUE=\"\"></center>";

    //*** Create Option ***//
    CreateSelectOption("Column5_" + intLine)
    document.frmMain.hdnMaxLine.value = intLine;

function RemoveRow() {
    intLine = parseInt(document.frmMain.hdnMaxLine.value);
    if(parseInt(intLine) > 0) {
        theTable = document.getElementById("tbExp");
        theTableBody = theTable.tBodies[0];
        document.frmMain.hdnMaxLine.value = intLine;

Timesheet.js Timesheet.js

function updateTotal()
  var total = 0;
  $(".dayinput").map( function() { total += $(this).val() * 8; } );
  $(".hourinput").map( function() { total += $(this).val() * 1; } );
  $("#total").val( total );

  if( total >= 40 )
    $("#total").removeClass( "total_low" );
    $("#total").addClass( "total_ok" );
    $("#total").removeClass( "total_ok" );
    $("#total").addClass( "total_low" );

function validateUpdateTotal()
  if( ($(this).val()-0) != $(this).val() )
    alert( "Invalid number" );
    $(this).val( "" );
function initPage()
$(".dayinput").change( validateUpdateTotal );
$(".hourinput").change( validateUpdateTotal );

$(document).ready( initPage );



<div class="left">
            <td><input class="dayinput" type="text" name="Leave"></td>
            <td><input class="dayinput" type="text" name="TOIL"></td>
            <td><input class="dayinput" type="text" name="Sick"></td>
            <td><input id="total" class="total_low" type="text" value="0" disabled="">

    <div class="right">

    <b>Projects this week</b><div class = "right"><input name="btnDel" type="button" id="btnDel" value="-" onClick="RemoveRow();"></div>

    <ul id="task_list">
        <form name="frmMain" method="post">
        <table width="470" border="1" id="tbExp">
            <td><div align="center">No.</div></td>
            <td><div align="center">Project </div></td>
            <td><div align="center">Task </div></td>
            <td><div align="center">Hours </div></td>
            <td><div align="center"></div></td> 

        <input type="hidden" name="hdnMaxLine" value="0">

I am now trying to use the InnerHTML function to make a HTML textbox that can be used by the timesheet.js table. 我现在正尝试使用InnerHTML函数来制作可由timesheet.js表使用的HTML文本框。 So that when the user enters their hours it updates both tables. 这样,当用户输入其工作时间时,它将更新两个表。

I tried the following newCell.innerHTML = "<center><INPUT TYPE=\\"TEXT\\" SIZE=\\"5\\" NAME=\\"HOURINPUT\\" CLASS=\\"hourinput\\"></center>; This did not work for me, what is it that I need to do in order to get this working? 我尝试了以下newCell.innerHTML = "<center><INPUT TYPE=\\"TEXT\\" SIZE=\\"5\\" NAME=\\"HOURINPUT\\" CLASS=\\"hourinput\\"></center>;这样对我不起作用,为了使它起作用我需要做什么?

The image shown explains what I am trying to do 所显示的图像说明了我要做什么

Updated Image after changes: 更改后更新了图像:


//*** Column 3 ***//
newCell = newRow.insertCell(3);
newCell.id = newCell.uniqueID;
newCell.setAttribute("className", "css-name");
newCell.innerHTML = "<center><INPUT CLASS=\"hourinput\" TYPE=\"TEXT\" SIZE=\"5\" NAME=\"Column4_" + intLine + "\"  ID=\"Column4_" + intLine + "\" VALUE=\"\"></center>";

Also try changing 也尝试改变

$(".hourinput").change( validateUpdateTotal );


$(".hourinput").bind('change', validateUpdateTotal);

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