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[英]Android: Ime options are not visible on the softkeyboard of some devices

For an AutoCompleteTextView I've set the android:imeOptions="actionSearch" and in my activity I have: 对于AutoCompleteTextView,我设置了android:imeOptions="actionSearch" ,在我的活动中,我有:

autocompleteText.setOnEditorActionListener(new TextView.OnEditorActionListener() {
        public boolean onEditorAction(TextView v, int actionId,
                KeyEvent event) {
            if (actionId == EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_SEARCH) {

When the keyboard shows up I can identify a button to perform my search (according to the ime definition). 当键盘出现时,我可以识别一个按钮来执行搜索(根据ime定义)。 I've tested this and it works on the Samsung Galaxy S and Xperia X10. 我已经测试过了,它可以在三星Galaxy S和Xperia X10上使用。

However, users reported, that they can't find any button on the keyboard to initiate the search on HTC devices. 但是,用户报告说,他们找不到键盘上的任何按钮来启动HTC设备上的搜索。 Am I doing something wrong or is this a problem in regard to ime options and how different devices handle them? 我在做错什么吗?这是关于ime选项以及不同设备如何处理它们的问题吗?

This question has been asked numerous times. 这个问题已被问过无数次。 See this post for the answer: Android: softkeyboard control on HTC desire 答案见此帖子: Android:HTC需求的软键盘控件

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