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[英]Unable to see attr_accessors when transforming object to JSON

I have a class with attr_accessors. 我有一个attr_accessors类。 When I want to create a JSON string of my object, my attr_accessors are not listed, only attributes created with mongo. 当我要创建对象的JSON字符串时,未列出我的attr_accessors,仅列出了使用mongo创建的属性。

class Weblink < Media
  field :title, :type => String
  field :url, :type   => String
  attachment :image

  attr_accessor :images, :domain_name, :image_width, :image_height

The generated JSON 生成的JSON

{"_id":"4e3ab9895d156dae63000001","_type":"Weblink","description":"Some description","title":"Some title","url":"http://some_url.com"}

I would like to have for exemple, my "images" attributes included. 例如,我想包含“图像”属性。

Any suggestions ? 有什么建议么 ?


weblink.to_json(:methods=>[:images, :domain_name, :image_width, :image_height])

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