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[英]alfresco workflow configurable and barcodes

i have a couple of questions on Alfresco. 我对Alfresco有几个问题。

  1. Is Alfresco workflow module, point and click configurable or is programming needed? Alfresco工作流程模块是否可以点击配置,还是需要编程? Can Visio diagrams be used to set workflow? Visio图表可以用于设置工作流程吗?

  2. Can Alfresco process 1-D and 2-D barcodes? Alfresco可以处理一维和二维条形码吗?

Regards 问候
vish 虚心

Currently Alfresco workflows can be developed using the JBPM Graphical Process Designer , which produces XML files you directly upload into Alfresco. 当前,可以使用JBPM Graphical Process Designer 开发 Alfresco工作流程 ,该工具可以生成直接上传到Alfresco的XML文件。 Be aware of the fact that in the future the default workflow engine of Alfresco will change to be Activiti . 请注意,将来Alfresco的默认工作流引擎将更改为Activiti

Barcode generation/scanning is not supported by Alfresco. Alfresco不支持条形码生成/扫描。

At the Alfresco Devcon in New York (2010) Neil McErlean did a presentation on the Alfresco Action Framework where he demoed an example of working with QR codes. Neil McErlean在纽约的Alfresco Devcon(2010年)上发表了有关Alfresco行动框架的演讲,演示了处理QR码的示例。

The presentation can be found at http://www.slideshare.net/alfresco/custom-action-framework 该演示文稿可以在以下网址找到: http://www.slideshare.net/alfresco/custom-action-framework

I am not sure where the source code lives for this customization. 我不确定此定制的源代码在哪里。 So while it can't be done OTB, it is a customization that is possible and has been done as a POC. 因此,尽管无法完成OTB,但它是可能的定制,并且已作为POC完成。

More recently, the Activiti workflow engine is the default in Alfresco (though jBPM is still available). 最近, Activiti工作流引擎是Alfresco的默认引擎(尽管jBPM仍然可用)。 There is an Eclipse plugin that can be used to do the initial workflow design graphically (and output BPMN XML files). 有一个Eclipse插件 ,可用于以图形方式进行初始工作流设计(并输出BPMN XML文件)。

However, the BPMN is not useful until it has been manually enhanced with Alfresco-specific features such as the assignee (person or group) for a task, the form to use to display the task, and scripts to create and maintain process and task variables, and/or hook into events triggered during the workflow. 但是,BPMN直到使用Alfresco特有的功能进行了手动增强(例如任务的受让人(人员或组),用于显示任务的表单以及用于创建和维护流程和任务变量的脚本)后才有用。 ,和/或挂钩到工作流程中触发的事件。 Further work may be needed to define the task model (the variables that each type of task needs) and to customise the Share user interface to display the tasks correctly to users. 可能需要做进一步的工作来定义任务模型(每种任务类型所需的变量)并自定义“共享”用户界面以正确向用户显示任务。 See this article for an example. 请参阅本文的示例。

So although the initial draft design can be done graphically, detailed programming is also needed. 因此,尽管可以以图形方式完成初始草案设计,但也需要详细的编程。 The Alfresco training materials for workflows specifically state that end users cannot create new workflows without assistance from a developer. Alfresco针对工作流的培训材料特别指出,如果没有开发人员的帮助,最终用户将无法创建新的工作流。

The exception is "simple workflows", which don't use BPMN or jBPM, and are simple one-step Accept/Reject decisions that can be created by end users. 唯一的例外是“简单的工作流程”,它们不使用BPMN或jBPM,而是可以由最终用户创建的简单的一步式“接受/拒绝”决策。

您可以使用任何BPMN工具,只要它生成xml BPMN xml输出即可,因此您可以将其导入Alfresco activiti

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