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JInternalFrame 向标题栏添加图标

[英]JInternalFrame adding an icon to the title bar

I'd like to add an ImageIcon or comparable to a JInternalFrame 's titlebar such that the [x] icon is east-most, the iconable icon is second east-most, and a custom icon is third east-most.我想添加一个ImageIcon或与JInternalFrame的标题栏相媲美,这样 [x] 图标位于最东端,可图标图标位于最东端第二位,自定义图标位于最东端第三位。 Is this doable?这是可行的吗?

This worked for me:这对我有用:

ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(ClassLoader.getSystemResource("Iconos/icono.png"));

for get for parent frame : // parent 是容器 jDesktopPane -> parent = new JFrame ()

this.setFrameIcon(new javax.swing.ImageIcon(this.parent.getIconImage()));
JInternalFrame jInternalFrame1 = new JInternalFrame("Test Internal Frame",false,false,false,false);

try {
  URL url = new URL("images/icon.gif");
  ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(url);
catch (MalformedURLException ex) 
   //whatever you want to put here

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