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SQLite Python 中没有返回类型

[英]SQLite no return type in Python

I am trying to find a way to know whether or not some value was returned from an SQLite query when using python.我试图找到一种方法来了解在使用 python 时是否从 SQLite 查询返回了某些值。

conn = sqlite3.connect('/path/to/database.db')
cursor.execute("select field from table where other_field = ?", t)
returnObject = cursor.fetchone()[0]

If the table does contain a matching value, then it will be stored in returnObject .如果表确实包含匹配值,那么它将存储在returnObject中。

The problem happens in the case that the database doesn't have any entries matching the request.问题发生在数据库没有与请求匹配的任何条目的情况下。 In that case, I get a exceptions.TypeError: unsubscriptable object在这种情况下,我得到一个exceptions.TypeError: unsubscriptable object

Besides placing this entire block in a try/expect block, is there a way of knowing whether or not something was returned by the database.除了将整个块放在 try/expect 块中之外,还有一种方法可以知道数据库是否返回了某些内容。

Also, I am aware that I could issue an extra query, but this would make the connection too chatty.另外,我知道我可以发出额外的查询,但这会使连接变得过于冗长。

You have a couple options, depending on your preferences.您有几个选择,具体取决于您的喜好。

Option 1 : check the value of returnObject before using it.选项 1 :在使用之前检查 returnObject 的值。

conn = sqlite3.connect('/path/to/database.db')
cursor.execute("select field from table where other_field = ?", t)
returnObject = cursor.fetchone()
if returnObject:
    print returnObject[0]
    print "Nothing found!"

Option 2: use the return value of execute() .选项 2:使用execute()的返回值。 It contains the number of rows in the result.它包含结果中的行数。

conn = sqlite3.connect('/path/to/database.db')
rowCount = cursor.execute("select field from table where other_field = ?", t)
if rowCount > 0:
   returnObject = cursor.fetchone()[0]

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