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SQL 数据挖掘概念VS。 编程概念

[英]SQL Data Mining Concepts VS. Programming Concepts

I am a beginner but know the basics and am peering into more advanced data mining and stored procedure routines.我是初学者,但了解基础知识,并且正在研究更高级的数据挖掘和存储过程例程。 I have learned small concepts that mimic C# Design Patterns such as looping structures but have not seen much (on the web) about SQL Design Patterns.我已经学习了模仿 C# 设计模式的小概念,例如循环结构,但没有看到太多(在网上)关于 SQL 设计模式的信息。

I ask because I ran across this book http://www.amazon.com/SQL-Design-Patterns-Programming-Focus/dp/0977671542 but have also always been told that you will find better information on sites like Stack than in a book.我问是因为我遇到了这本书http://www.amazon.com/SQL-Design-Patterns-Programming-Focus/dp/0977671542但也总是有人告诉你,你会在 Stack 这样的网站上找到比在书。

I've been told that for programming professionals Design Patterns are a must.有人告诉我,对于编程专业人士来说,设计模式是必须的。 Is this also the case for SQL programmers? SQL 程序员也是这样吗?

*(Wasn't sure if this belonged on Meta or not. It's not a question about the site but is a general discussion question) *(不确定这是否属于 Meta。这不是关于网站的问题,而是一般性讨论问题)

Design patterns for SQL are very useful as well. SQL 的设计模式也非常有用。 Is it any good to gather data if you do not store it properly and retrieve it back to make useful decisions?如果您没有正确存储数据并将其取回以做出有用的决策,那么收集数据是否有好处?

I have found Joe Celco's books very useful on database design patterns.我发现 Joe Celco 的书籍在数据库设计模式方面非常有用。 http://www.amazon.com/Joe-Celko/e/B000ARBFVQ http://www.amazon.com/Joe-Celko/e/B000ARBFVQ

Of course you should read books.当然,你应该看书。 In the first place they tend to be written by people recognized for their expertise (not just anyone who happens to log into the site) so the information is likelier to start out as more accurate.首先,它们往往是由以其专业知识而闻名的人(而不仅仅是碰巧登录该站点的任何人)编写的,因此信息更有可能一开始就更准确。 Then they have editors who help make the presentation of the information better.然后他们有编辑来帮助更好地展示信息。 Finally a good book should discuss in more depth than an SO post can do and thus you will get information at a deeper level than just the code to fix your current problem.最后,一本好书应该比 SO 帖子更深入地讨论,因此您将获得更深层次的信息,而不仅仅是解决当前问题的代码。 This means your understanding will grow and you will know why you would do X vice Y and be able to expand that understanding to new problems.这意味着你的理解会增长,你会知道为什么你会做 X 副 Y 并且能够将这种理解扩展到新的问题。

DBAs who don't read books probably don't understand the internals of how the database works very well and are likely to be less effective than those who do read in depth about their profession.不读书的 DBA 可能不了解数据库如何运作良好的内部原理,并且可能不如那些深入阅读其专业的 DBA 有效。

A book I recommend is:我推荐的一本书是:

http://www.amazon.com/SQL-Antipatterns-Programming-Pragmatic-Programmers/dp/1934356557/ref=pd_sim_b_1 http://www.amazon.com/SQL-Antipatterns-Programming-Pragmatic-Programmers/dp/1934356557/ref=pd_sim_b_1

Also books on performance tuning are critical to read if you want to use good patterns in your SQL.如果您想在 SQL 中使用良好的模式,那么阅读有关性能调整的书籍也很重要。 A huge number of performance problems are caused by badly designed SQL.大量的性能问题是由设计不当的 SQL 引起的。 YOu should know what works well and what doesn't.你应该知道什么行得通,什么行不通。 Those tend to be databse backend specific, so look for ones realting to the type of databases you support.这些往往是特定于数据库后端的,因此请寻找与您支持的数据库类型相关的那些。

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