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在 CentOS 上安装 node.js 5

[英]Installing node.js on CentOS 5

I'm pretty new to CentOS (5) and also node.js, but I already got an older version of node.js to work on my virtual server.我对 CentOS (5) 和 node.js 还是很陌生,但我已经有了旧版本的 node.js 可以在我的虚拟服务器上工作。 Now I'm trying to install a newer version, and I know that CentOS needs Python 2.4 while node needs 2.6 or newer, so I installed Python 2.7 using altinstall.现在我正在尝试安装更新的版本,我知道 CentOS 需要 Python 2.4 而节点需要 2.6 或更高版本,所以我使用 ZA7F5F35426B92741173231B56altinstall21 安装了 ZA7F5F35426B92741173231B563821。

But even if I set an alias for Python that points to version 2.7 before running./configure, I still get this error:但即使我在运行./configure 之前为 Python 设置了指向 2.7 版本的别名,我仍然会收到此错误:

/root/node/wscript: error: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/root/node/tools/wafadmin/Utils.py", line 274, in load_module
    exec(compile(code, file_path, 'exec'), module.__dict__)
  File "/root/node/wscript", line 222
    "-pre" if node_is_release == "0" else ""
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

That's the content of./configure:这就是./configure的内容:

#! /bin/sh

# v8 doesn't like ccache
if [ ! -z "`echo $CC | grep ccache`" ]; then
  echo "Error: V8 doesn't like cache. Please set your CC env var to 'gcc'"
  echo "  (ba)sh: export CC=gcc"
  exit 1


#possible relative path
WORKINGDIR=`dirname $0`
#abs path
cd "$CUR_DIR"

"${WORKINGDIR}/tools/waf-light" --jobs=1 configure $*

exit $?"

And at the top of wscript there is the following line: "#./usr/bin/env python", I also tried replacing that with something else, though I think it should work when using a Python alias在 wscript 的顶部有以下行:“#./usr/bin/env python”,我也尝试用其他东西替换它,尽管我认为它应该在使用 Python 别名时工作

Any ideas what I need to do to get this to work?有什么想法我需要做些什么才能让它发挥作用?


I have python 2.7.3 'altinstalled' on Centos 5.x, with the binary named "/usr/local/bin/python2.7"我在 Centos 5.x 上安装了 python 2.7.3 'altinstalled',二进制文件名为“/usr/local/bin/python2.7”

I compile and install nodejs v0.8.16 using:我使用以下命令编译和安装 nodejs v0.8.16:

export PYTHON
python2.7 configure && make && make install
  • running configure with python2.7 overrides the default python handling使用 python2.7 运行配置会覆盖默认的 python 处理
  • creating a PYTHON env var allows make install to find the correct version of python创建 PYTHON 环境变量允许make install找到 python 的正确版本

(I still had to identify and install missing development modules one by one before the install would succeed) (我仍然必须在安装成功之前一一识别并安装缺少的开发模块)

I changed the PATH in bash_profile to include the path to the desired version of python as follows:我更改了 bash_profile 中的 PATH 以包含所需版本的 python 的路径,如下所示:

vi ~/.bash_profile vi ~/.bash_profile
replace PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin替换 PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin
with PATH=/usr/local/python272/bin:$PATH:$HOME/bin使用 PATH=/usr/local/python272/bin:$PATH:$HOME/bin
source ~/.bash_profile源〜/ .bash_profile
./configure 。/配置

It picks up the correct python version.它选择正确的 python 版本。 No need to change wscript无需更改 wscript

I'm on CentOS 5.6, python 2.7.2 (installed in /usr/local/python272) and using node.js 0.4.12我正在使用 CentOS 5.6、python 2.7.2(安装在 /usr/local/python272 中)并使用 node.js 0.4.12

I ran into this same exact problem.我遇到了同样的问题。 I wound up editing the wscript file and changed that line (222) from this:我最终编辑了 wscript 文件并从此更改了该行(222):

"-pre" if node_is_release == "0" else ""

...to this: ...对此:


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