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Codeigniter 分页不显示查询结果的第一行

[英]Codeigniter pagination not showing first row of query result

As you can see below I am querying the database for a list of questions.正如您在下面看到的,我正在查询数据库以获取问题列表。

My model returns a count of questions ( count_questions() ) as well as the questions themselves ( get_questions($args) ) which are then paginated.我的 model 返回问题计数( count_questions() )以及问题本身( get_questions($args) ),然后分页。

    $limit  = '10';
    $count  = $this->forum_model->count_questions();
    $offset    = $this->uri->segment(3, 0);


    $config['base_url']         = base_url() . 'forum/all/';
    $config['total_rows']       = $count;
    $config['per_page']         = $limit;
    $config['full_tag_open']    = '<div class="pagination">';
    $config['full_tag_close']   = '</div>';
    $config['uri_segment']          = 3;


    $data['q']          = $this->forum_model->get_questions(NULL, $limit, $offset);

    $data['pag_links']  = $this->pagination->create_links();

The odd behavior I am seeing is that count_questions() returns '25' (which is correct).我看到的奇怪行为是count_questions()返回“25”(这是正确的)。

But the pagination output shows 24 questions, skipping the first row/question in my database.但是分页 output 显示 24 个问题,跳过了我数据库中的第一行/问题。

At first I thought this could be because of wrong offset, but it is set to 0 in the first page.起初我以为这可能是因为偏移量错误,但在第一页它被设置为 0。

If I do NOT use pagination, my controller outputs all 25 questions to my view.如果我不使用分页,我的 controller 会将所有 25 个问题输出到我的视图中。 So there seems to be something I'm doing with pagination limit/offset that may be the culprit.所以似乎我正在对分页限制/偏移量做一些事情,这可能是罪魁祸首。

Any ideas what might be wrong here?任何想法这里可能有什么问题?

Thanks for helping.感谢您的帮助。

Model (get_questions) Model (get_questions)

function get_questions($forum_qa_id = NULL, $limit = NULL, $offset = NULL)
    ($forum_qa_id === NULL) ? ($forum_qa_id = "'%'") : ($forum_qa_id = $forum_qa_id);
    ($limit       === NULL) ? ($limit = 1) : ($limit = $limit);
    ($offset      === NULL) ? ($offset = 0) : ($offset = $offset);

    $query = $this->db->query("
    SELECT forum_qa.*,
           Ifnull(n.ans_count, 0) AS ans_count
    FROM   forum_qa
           JOIN user_profiles
             ON user_id = forum_qa_author_id
           LEFT JOIN (SELECT *
                      FROM   votes) AS v
             ON forum_qa_id = v.forum_qa_id_fk
           LEFT JOIN (SELECT forum_cm_id,
                             first_name  AS forum_cm_first_name,
                             last_name   AS forum_cm_last_name,
                             facebook_id AS forum_cm_fb_id,
                             picture     AS forum_cm_picture,
                             moderator   AS forum_cm_moderator
                      FROM   forum_cm
                             JOIN user_profiles
                               ON user_id = forum_cm_author_id) AS c
             ON forum_qa_id = c.forum_qa_id_fk
           LEFT JOIN (SELECT forum_qa_parent_id AS pid,
                             COUNT(*)           AS ans_count
                      FROM   forum_qa
                      WHERE  forum_qa_parent_id IS NOT NULL
                      GROUP  BY forum_qa_parent_id) AS n
             ON forum_qa_id = n.pid
    WHERE  forum_qa_id LIKE $forum_qa_id
           AND forum_qa_parent_id IS NULL
    ORDER  BY forum_qa_timestamp DESC
    LIMIT  $limit
    OFFSET $offset;     

Model (count_questions) Model (count_questions)

function count_questions()
    $query = $this->db->query("
    SELECT  *
    FROM    forum_qa
    WHERE   forum_qa_type = 1;

    return $query->num_rows;

return $query->num_rows; should be return $query->num_rows();应该return $query->num_rows(); . .

Also, try changing LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset to LIMIT $offset,$limit .另外,尝试将LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset更改为LIMIT $offset,$limit

Problem is, when default page execute it start record from 1st row instead zero, that's why first row is missing.问题是,当默认页面执行时,它从第一行而不是零开始记录,这就是第一行丢失的原因。 I applied following code to fix this problem我应用了以下代码来解决这个问题

$page = ($this->uri->segment(3))? $page = ($this->uri->segment(3))? $this->uri->segment(3): 0; $this->uri->segment(3): 0;

Please edit segment as per your request URL请根据您的要求编辑段 URL

$this->uri->segment(3, 0);

By default the function returns FALSE (boolean) if the segment does not exist.默认情况下,如果段不存在,function 返回 FALSE(布尔值)。 so i think isn't right??所以我觉得不对??

($offset      === NULL) ? ($offset = 0) : ($offset = $offset);

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